Terminate Yourself

Some of you early readers might remember my post on HOW TO TURN YOURSELF INTO A CARTOON CHARACTER

Well it looks like the producers of the new Terminator movie want you to be able to Terminate Yourself.  No not kill yourself, but rather turn your photo into looking like your human skin is melting off to reveal your cyborg self.



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  1. George says:

    Sounds interesting. You know I like those fun-with-photos sites.

  2. yorksnbeans says:

    I’ll pass on this one….I don’t like releasing my photo to the internet. I wonder why?? 😉

  3. alantru says:

    That’s fun. Have you ever devolved yourself? I did that. Freaked the hell out of me!

  4. Nate Fakes says:

    If the pool and bbq thing doesn’t work out today, I’ll be sure to swing by there and see what I look like (even though I have an idea it’s probably similar to when I was hit with a mud ball back in 5th grade).

  5. nursemyra says:

    I’m with yorksnbeans….. enough of me is melting without adding my face to the equation…..

  6. I think Christian Bale still looks hot with half a face 🙂

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