Why Geeks are the Real Superheroes at Comic Con

The Cartoonist Studio Editorial Cartoon Contest continues and I made it to week SIX!  Thanks to all for voting.  Click the image above or here to go to the voting.  You should do a search of “Bearman” and my cartoon will come up front and center and then vote.  Some people were […]

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Bearman Cartoon: Shadow Hare

There is a phenomenon going on over on this side of the pond. Much like the Watchmen (see my toon if you haven’t already), there are people getting together who have no superpower, dressing up as a unique superhero and patrolling the streets. In fact there is an entire World […]

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Where are my Black (Super) Heroes and/or Villians?

It’s obvious that plumb movie roles esp in the superhero or supervillian genre typically go to white men. For whatever reason Hollywood is afraid to put an African American in the lead role. (with the exception of Spawn – but that movie was weeeeeiiird).  And there seems to be a perception […]

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