I actually drew this one last week but it got pushed back. It is the second of my editorial cartoons on the TSA Pat Downs. I got to wondering, as embarrassing as it is for passengers, how must a TSA agent feel to have to grope the smelly crotch of some dude who hasn’t bathed in over a week.
And the results are in and almost 90% of you thought my latest TSA shirt design was appropriate so in honor of your votes, I present the following design available right now on the store on buttons, stickers, t-shirts etc.
My thoughts are would people get looked at weird if you started moaning when they did do the “pat” down.
People wouldn’t get looked at weird but YOU would…haha
I’m just gonna save us all some embarrassment and stay home.
Well they don’t have pat downs at truck stops…yet.
Truck stops have their own dangers. You might find the picture on Mildred’s wall interesting today.
She loves me.
Who woulda thought that even Mildred is a Bearman groupie?
Are you kidding me? This is genius!! ~ and it will go perfectly with the Don’t Touch My Junk shirt I just bought.
Are you kidding me…you missed when I posted this last week? haha
Maybe if you placed or colored the hand differently (perhaps wearing a glove?) so it didn’t look like a dick at first glance.
Blahahahahaha that’s what I first thought 🙂
ditto was meant to be here!!
So you 3 are all confused because you thought a white guy had a dick that was obviously NOT white? You all need glasses…haha
mine’s a little red at the moment, want to see?
I’m telling your wife Dave.
I have my arm raised 🙂
Oh and the silhouettes in the background look a tad sus too …I’m just saying!!!
What’s a “sus”???
you would ya perverted loon!
The thought never entered my mind. Really & truly it didn’t…
That is why I am here Tony…to force you to see all sides of things..haha
I friggin support the pat downs as long as I get a male officer to do it. Hello, for some it’s the only action they’ll get 🙂
Ditto…they should line up the TSA agents (male and female) and you get to pick from the list.
My job already requires me to grope around in smelly crotches. and I’m not even a real nurse
Which either is sad b/c you aren’t a real nurse and have to do that or sad because you aren’t even a real nurse and still do it.
Haha! Oh, NM, you slay me.
Not a job I would like to have to do. I would like to get the pat down so I could try the moaning noise suggestion
Come to america!!!
I think you should do a cartoon with a transvestite being patted down. I can just imagine the facial expression on the TSA agent!! 🙂
Hmmm…maybe I’ll dress up like a woman so I can get the female TSA agent to pat me down.
Stop the gate rape and spare the TSOs. Boycott Flying COMPLETELY, until sanity returns! Please join us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Boycott-Flying/126801010710392
Which I would love to do but I don’t like to drive..haha
Nice, I have been seeing a list of things to do while the TSA Agents are down there so it is more fun for you while being groped. I only hope this mess works itself out soon.
Maybe they can have doctors moonlight as TSA agents so I can at least get a hernia check while they are down there.
Now wouldn’t that be a bonus.
I love how the guy being inspected has one leg in front of the other, as if he was just walking along and got stopped in his tracks by the sudden prodding of the guard.
That’s some great storytelling there, Bearman!
Gives new meaning to the term “spread ’em”
It makes me wonder how many creepy people took a TSA job just for the opportunity for chances like this
Makes me wonder how many creepy people are flying now.
Creepiest would be people that get a ticket just for the pat down . . . then skip the flight!
Or try to pick up a TSA agent at a bar knowing how experienced they are.
I have a different proposal. I propose that the passenger should be able to touch his or her own junk in front of the agent of his or her choosing.
epic comment ahmnodt!
I already do and my wife tells me to quit playing pocket pool
as you may already know, rip’s a huge Gawker commenter with 157 followers of his comments… he’s posting your button there with a link. 🙂
I did not know rip was a gawker. In fact I haven’t done much there. You’ll have to send a link to him
yes.. that’s his blog o’ choice. he’s mostly a political commenter, in that nest of liberal democrats he can ruffle quite a few feathers! he’s got a loyal following though and has a star rating (whatever the hell that means). i’ll email you his screen name but beware he’s libertarian and not afraid to step on toes in his comments.
As if I’m afraid to step on toes. Haha
I second that, did you see the friggin damage Rip did to that train????
What train?
I wonder if they pat down children. This could cause lots of law suits.
There has to be a better way.
Funny pic btw 🙂
Haven’t seen the crotch grab but I have seen the pat down of kids as well.
Hahaha! I see now why you made them two different ethnicities. It would have looked like the TSA guy had a trick “up his sleeve” if you didn’t. 🙂
I’m smart…sometimes.
I recently traveled and had a pat down and light groin groping. I’m leaving my wife for him and we’re moving to Miami! o.O (no, not really! *smirk*)
Just don’t threaten to fly next time you and your wife get in an argument.
Ha! It looks like the TSA is about to get an MMA knee to the head.
I think the TSA agent has the upper “hand”
Nice…. love the button!
Thanks…now tell your friends to buy you one for xmas..haha
Hilarious, Bearman!
That was the first thing I thought about when I heard the news. I just hope the airlines offer psychological counseling to their employees.
I wonder if they do Rock Paper Scissors to see who has to grab certain travelers.
remember the thing where people opposed to the gate rape were supposed to opt out and request a pat-down to bog down the system? well the mainstream propaganda reported it was a huge failure. the truth is this: all scanners were ordered shut down that day, not giving the people the chance to opt out, thus the faux news report of a failure was a lie!
Flew today and they let most people go through the security line as well. They only pulled one person out about every 20 passengers.
what?! you didnt ask for a pat-down? c’mon..
I’m usually the guy that they tend to pick on so I just walked on.
Ha! Just another reason to stay locked up in my apartment. 🙂
Which would be fine if you didn’t have a retail establishment to run.
Lol! That’s hilarious! HAHAHAHA