As well as my own Editorial Cartoon Caption Contest (still time to enter), there are several friends around the net that are also doing contests.
Jill at Elemental My Dear is holding a contest all month long encouraging readers to use to their own blog to “submit a post that reflects the saying “April Showers Bring May Flowers” in any format you may like such as…photography, poetry, short story, cartoon, etc.” She will link to your posting and give away 3 5×7 photos.
Ken at Rick the Stick is encouraging readers to come up with creative ways to promote his webcomic. I tried my hand at a theme song for Ken (we’ll have to wait and see if Ken ever lets it make the light of day as I need Britney Spears engineer to make me sound good). Contest goes through the 25th of this month and the winner will be tooned as a guest star in the strip.
Samantha of Life’s a Witch is having a one week contest to win copies of her comic collections. Every tweet or comment on her site will earn you easy entries.
Finally, not a contest but Nate is looking for guest cartoonists to take on his adorable characters from Knocking on Heavens Door as Fan Art. I have to clean up my act before I can figure out what to submit.
All these contests on the internet are great except they are biased against all of the people like me who have absolutely no talent!
BS. haha However, Samantha’s contest only requires you to comment. You are absolutely talented at that.
I had an idea on health care but I had already posted in my Kurt and Burt comic tomorrow. As far as the other stuff, I don’t know didley about tweets, and diggs.
I do digg getting emails and I consider it a real tweet. I enjoy reading and leaving comments almost as much as I enjoy the comics.
I agree. My contest doesn’t require any artwork at all! Emails, Diggs, tweets and the like ALL count!
Bearman – thank you very much! BTW, this post and your tweet counts towards my contest!
Thanks again!!
Woo hoo…I am IN!!!
You are like a one stop news source –
Bearman is infotainment! 🙂
My new tag “Bearman IS infotainment!!”
And then audio of a bear growl! 🙂
Could you make a commercial for me?
aww…thanks Bear for the referral! 🙂
Anytime J.
Hmmm…makes me want to hold a contest of my own…although I’m all out of ideas.
“Win a Hug from a Cartoonist”?
No…need something that will make people WANT to win!
awww…you might get someone to enter.
i just know that i better win…cause im great and the rest suck… 😛 hehe
Well I am going to have an impartial judge narrow it down for voting. Then you can stuff the ballot all you want by using multiple computers.hahah
These are all cool concepts to get people to check out their sites. I would do something like that too…but I have nothing to give 🙁
Not true. For mine I am giving ad space and a copy of final drawing. Always something. Thanks for stopping by.
I could do a contest & give away a years worth of free visits to my blog…
That would have to be worth at least ummmm…. stuff all
BTW I have decided to stick it out at my Weebly site for a length of time for the moment I just kinda like it
I can’t keep up with you Tony. So where I am supposed to go..haha
To my weebly site for now.
Will do.