Bearman Cartoon: Sesame Street at 40 (Big Bird)

The third in the series of cartoons celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Sesame Street.

1113 09 Bearman Cartoon Big Bird

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No Responses to “Bearman Cartoon: Sesame Street at 40 (Big Bird)”

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  1. Beth Cravens says:

    Ha! That’s cracking me up

  2. D. Long says:

    A feather boa would make a fine toupee!

  3. Danica says:

    haha! I like this one 😀

  4. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Wow, I’ve been out of the loop, or just loopy or something, for a couple of days and didn’t realize it was Sesame Streets 40th. I could have sworn I watched them when I was a kid but that’s not possible because we didn’t have TV yet.

  5. jammer5 says:

    Hmmm . . . Viagra: does it do feathers, or would it make him look like Donald Trump? Big pharma wants to know.

  6. George says:

    Hee-hee….Big Bird is actually skinnier than I thought. 🙂

  7. He’d better get a Bird Flu immunization…. It’s the elderly that are most at risk!

    : )

  8. nursemyra says:

    haha… this reminds me of my pet Rosella. He still has his red head feathers but only grey ones left on his chest

  9. All three are priceless Bear. At you you spared us a ED reference.

  10. David says:

    That’s okay, the bald look is “in” these days.

  11. AndyCarolan says:

    Im sitting here in tears looking at that 😀 LMAO!!!!!!!!

  12. spilledinkguy says:

    I haven’t seen Big Bird this blue since that creepy movie where he runs off and joins the circus (or something like that)!

  13. bschooled says:

    Ha! I wonder if they sell “Feathers in a can”

  14. John K says:

    I’m really digging these Sesame Street comics!

  15. frigginloon says:

    I knew it, I knew it, big Bird’s plucked! Hmm, or could it be a narrow escape from a really poor hunter with bad aim? Geez, high powered rifles should be banned for bird shooting 🙁

  16. Tony says:

    Poor guy, I can really relate to his pain…

  17. Susi Spice says:

    lol this is funny really liked this one. now big bird will look in the mirror go through a midlife crisis hook up with a younger chick and get himself a red ferrari..

  18. MidwestMom says:

    The letter of the day is R for Rogaine 🙂

  19. Nate Fakes says:

    Lol. I thought Bird Flu was the culprit.

  20. ironically, that looks exactly like my dad.

  21. Donald Mills says:

    Ironically, that looks exactly like me.

  22. David says:

    Big Bird can use that spray-on feather hair treatment… or wrap a feather boa around his head. Very cool Sesame Street series! Love it! 😉

  23. Lynn says:

    big bird can finally get those peacock feathers he’s always wanted but was too shy to wear.

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