Bearman Cartoon: Sesame Street at 40 (Oscar)

I am working on a few different cartoons to “celebrate” Sesame Street turning 40. Because after 40 everything turns to crap.

11 11 09 Bearman Cartoon Sesame Street at 40 Oscar

Looks like I am not the only one with Sesame Street cartoons this week.  Check out Agent-X and Spud Comics for more.

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52 Responses to “Bearman Cartoon: Sesame Street at 40 (Oscar)”

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  1. Growing old is a (*&%$…. and not for the faint of heart…

  2. tannerleah says:

    Oscar took 40 years to learn how to read? Did he never watch his own tv show? What a retard…I’m glad I watched the Electric Company instead.

  3. spilledinkguy says:

    Looking back I can’t believe that Oscar wasn’t my favorite. 🙂

  4. Tony says:

    40 years of life & he still hasn’t progressed beyond being an illiterate bum living in a trash can. Yeah as Tannerleah said, What a retard!!!

  5. George says:

    Aw, how terrible Oscar! At least you can use the newspapers to keep warm while dumpster-diving. 🙂

  6. Lynn says:

    that’s great bearman! i kinda know how oscar feels….can see anything up close these days!! you did a good job on oscar, he’s my fav.

  7. Sheila Deeth says:

    Oh, I know how he feels poor guy! Why do eyes insist on aging faster?
    I think this is one to stick on the fridge for younger visitors to see.

  8. jammer5 says:

    One word, Oscar: Laser eye surgery! Ya, I know: three words. But he can’t read it, so might as well be twenty.

  9. John K says:

    And I bet he has a heck of a time typing with those crazy thick fingers!

  10. missopinion says:

    hehe i love sesame street but hated this show in australia called “play school” ever since I was little I thought those presenters were lame losers (sesame taught me how to rhyme) … and i had this song for play school… 12345678910playschoolsucks!… but cookie monster, snuffleuppegus… oh the memories hehe.

    its susispice just realised ididnt log out my other blog grr

  11. frigginloon says:

    I heard Big Bird was plucked!

  12. frigginloon says:

    My favorite was Burt an Ernie, I still have their Rubber Duckie song on my ipod 🙂

  13. This is a funny one for sure… old…so lame

  14. yorksnbeans says:

    what a slow learner….

  15. nursemyra says:

    the best year of my life was when I was 44!

  16. bschooled says:

    Haha! Sounds like he could be Don’s love-child…

  17. Nate Fakes says:

    Lazer eye surgery might help out. He might get grouchy though after seeing the bill for it

  18. Really cute Bear, great job!

  19. G says:

    Just to show everyone here how dense I’ve become as of late, all this week Google has been featuring Sesame Street characters on thier home page and I had no idea as to why. Needed to have a co-worker (who is definitely not internet savy) explain to me why.

  20. Susi Spice says:

    i love cookie monster!

  21. Danica says:

    But he *can* read. He reads Trash Gordon to Slimey the worm…

  22. Danica says:

    Btw, there’s a saying that goes, “Life begins at forty” 😀

  23. jynksie says:

    Well, I recently turned 40 and I have to say, I am having neither the Big Bird issue, or Oscars eye problems! However, that look on Berts face is pretty much the look I was sporting as I was receiving my prostate exam! It wasn’t til after it was done and I’d gone home that I found out its not a procedure a dentist usually does!! o.O


  1. […] out this great cartoon at Bearman Cartoons celebrating Sesame Street's 40th birthday while also making mention of the […]

  2. […] of the series (see here for number 1) to honor Sesame Street’s 40th […]

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