Does it seem like there are more Celebrity Deaths than the norm as of late? Of course this cartoon was inspired by waking up today to find that another celebrity of old had passed away – Dan Haggarty of “Grizzly Adams” fame. Starting with Natalie Cole and Lemmy from Motorhead in late December to David Bowie, Alan Rickman and Glenn Frey already in 2016, I wonder if the Grim Reapers are unionized.
As I age myself, people dying in their 60’s and early 70’s is now starting to seem too young. Heart goes out to all their families.
I think they are dying left and right all the time but the news likes to tell stories in groups.
NBC: “A plane went down today.”
ABC: “We need to find another plane crash story to make this really good.”
Everything happens in 3’s but this is like 10’s
The fact that they were so young troubles me.
Me too
Many were so very young too. Hubby and I are heading toward 70. Yep, we get that these folks are way too young.
Have a fabulous day. Remember you’re younger today than you’ll be tomorrow. 🙂
Well you will be a young 70 so keep healthy Sandee
Well I hate to break it to you but you are getting older and those celebrities from your past are getting older too. Now I do consider doing the dirt nap while in your 60’s is certainly too soon.
Has anyone told the Grim Reapers (plural?) that 60 is the new 40?
60 is the new 30. 90 is the new 60
I’ve had my eagles music on rotation since I heard. Take It Easy Glenn!
As long as it wasn’t HOtel California
Not until Don Henley succumbs to the sands of time. …and may that be decades and decades from now.
It does seem like a lot of death lately. He needs to take a break.
Definitely time for a vacation
The Reaper has been rather busy lately in the celebrity arena
sadly true
And Keith Richards just keeps on tickin………..
That has to be the worst roatation to get, I’m sure it’s plenty of paperwork