UPDATE: Jake Kern on Google Plus provided the winning caption. Thanks to all that participated.
Citrus as Contraception. Yes back centuries ago, women would use citrus rinds as an early form of contraception.
Now I had captioned this with a comment from this middle ages orange peddler but figured I would give you all an opportunity to showcase your creativity. What do you think he should be saying to entice people to buy his oranges given the topic of this cartoon?
You’ll be saying, “Orange you glad you used protection!”
Orange you glad I used that joke in the title? haha
So,- thats- how orange creamcicles were invented! [smirk] this Isn’t the caption BTW!
It’s a seedless orange going in, get em while they’re plump and juicy! [thats the caption]
I think it was used by the woman not the guy
You may need to work through what I said there just a little bit more! [wink-wink]
Oh! Never mind ha
okay..one more!
Hey ladies, pucker up and encourage your man to… grind your rinds! [caption]
Nice haha
Anything else therefore just isn’t Orange-nal
Good one Jeff. Thanks
Yikes, I didn’t know this and I’m terrible with captions. Terrible.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
You do word play all the time on your site and you say you are bad with captions.
“A rind like this
And you won’t believe
How happy you’ll be –
You didn’t conceive!”
A rhyme…love it Rosie
“Don’t bear a pest. Use the zest!”
Okay. I got nuthin’.
That works. Thanks Jim
“Use an orange, or you’ll feel like a lemon”
“F**k á l’orange!”
(apologies if the language is a bit much in this one – feel free to delete it if you want to)
“They’re seedless, just like you will be.”
“And if you make margaritas with afterwards, you won’t need to salt the rim”
Erm… will that do?
Haha the last one had me rolling. And never worry about language here. This is a profanity safe zone. Meaning it is safe to use
“If it rhymed with sex, we’d have a catchy jingle!”
What if it RINED with sex?
“It certainly has a-peel!” 😀
Someone one google used that one haha
“You know what else doesn’t rhyme with ‘orange’? ‘Babies’!”
I’m here all day.
Unless I’m there.
Way out there.
Way way out there
“No, really. I mean you believed hose witches had powers, so why not this?”
haha. Those witches couldn’t keep themselves from being impregnated by the devil!!
Oranges here! The perfect way to stop the fruit of your loins!
hah Good one Bill
Ladies, just hold the rind tightly between your knees & there’s no way you’ll get pregnant
Someone used to have that joke with aspirin. Oranges are easier
How do like his apples? Use an orange.
Yeah, I don’t have anything. This is very interesting fact that has me wondering what it was like to use. The scent of oranges after sex might be refreshing.
New meaning to Scent of a Woman
A smooth orange is an orgasmic experience ! (caption)
Nice. Thanks LW
So formal these days we have been friends for over 5 years LOL , I luv ya just the same
haha…I call a bunch of my friends by the initials
Sorry I missed this. Great caption from the winner though. No way I could have beat that!
thanks G
It doesn’t seem like that citrusy fruit is curing his scurvy.
I wonder is they passed the citric acid test?