Save the Hall of Justice


One Cincinnati claim to fame is that Union Terminal is considered the inspiration for the Hall of Justice where the Superfriends managed their operations.  Union Terminal was built in 1933 much in the grandeur  of Union Station or Grand Central Station as a train depot.  As train travel diminished especially after World War II, the site became rarely used.  In the 80’s it saw brief life as a shopping mall and most recently it is the permanent home of the Museum Center housing the Cincinnati History Museum and the Museum of Natural History and Science.

Well after years the Terminal is badly needing repairs.  Rather than propose a new bond levy on property taxes, the County instead is asking voters (with Issue 8) to consider raising the sales tax by .25% for five years.   Unlike the horrible deal voters agreed to with the Bengals and Reds Stadiums whose sales tax never has expired, this tax would only be limited to 5 years and end automatically.   A huge selling point IMO and the primary reason I am voting for it.

Now about those Superfriends.  Superman was a reporter by day, Wonder Woman held many jobs usually with the government, and Acquaman….well he didn’t have a job as far as I can remember.  So none of them had money yet they somehow they could afford a swanky headquarters with all the latest technology.  And who probably had to foot the bill?  Batman.  And he earned his money the old fashioned way:  He inherited it.  Bunch of slackers.



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29 Responses to “Save the Hall of Justice”

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  1. Bill Murphy says:

    I got a good laugh out of Batman whistling while walking away. 😀

  2. Nate Fakes says:

    Being a sucker for train travel (despite the terminal’s current use) I’m with you on your vote, Bearman! I am a bit too far north to actually vote myself on this though….

  3. Bruce can foot the bill.

  4. George Ford says:

    Batman was the icing on this comedic cake. 😀

  5. lisleman says:

    Limited to 5 years – oh that sounds good. Unfortunately, there is a history of taxes not being removed. Many years ago I learned there was a small tax for the Spanish-American War that is still being collected.

  6. Comedy Plus says:

    Once the tax is imposed it will never go away. It works here in California very nicely. Taxes abound and they just keep adding more taxes.

    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  7. Nef says:

    I agree with Comedy Plus… That’s the reason I’m voting NO on every additional tax. I want our illustrious leaders to learn to use the money they have, not give them more to waste!

  8. Binky says:

    Beautiful building! I am a bit dubious of the taxing going away, as once you get used to it, they’ll find other pressing needs to spend your money on.

  9. Perk says:

    To not have the Hall of Justice would be an injustice.

  10. Mark Stokes says:

    Looks like help may be coming – not from the cosmic reaches of the universe – but from the good citizens of Cincinnati!

  11. Tony McGurk says:

    I like the way the Caped Crusader is trying to shirk his share of the bill. Just walk away while nobody is looking.

  12. jynksie says:

    Massachusetts did something similar many years ago by temp, raising the income tax and promising to drop it back to 5%. It took them 20 years to get there by gradually, like a snail, reducing it backwards while finding new taxes to recoup the income tax losses. Once a tax goes in, it never really goes out.

  13. Scott says:

    That’s hilarious–and informative!

  14. frigginloon says:

    Will they install a bat light?

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