John Cena WWE Sign


Apologies for the odd posting schedule as I have been working on several commissions including some new WWE Signs that I will be posting over the next few days.  Those of you who don’t care about wrestling or WWE should probably just skip visiting this week and return next week 🙂

Today’s entry is a John Cena sign.  Cena is the former champion and under WWE rules would be next in line for a rematch with the current champ Brock Lesnar.  For years, John Cena’s shirts have proudly displayed his mantra of “Hustle, Loyalty, Respect.”  When WWE COO Triple H threatened to pull him from the match, Cena threatened lawsuit.  In return Triple H mocked him saying “But when John Cena said the words to me ‘lawsuit’ — hustle, loyalty, respect, lawsuit — it doesn’t even fit, right? So out of character for John Cena.”

Personally my way of changing it to “Hustle, Lawsuit, Respect” works better.  What do you think?


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17 Responses to “John Cena WWE Sign”

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  1. George Ford says:

    I haven’t really followed wrasslin’ since the Arn Anderson was in the ring, but I do know who Cena is and I really like your sign.

  2. Deb says:

    Your way fits better than Triple H’s. Hey, you could take his place as the authority, we could all use a break from that guy.

  3. Comedy Plus says:

    Well, I’m one that hasn’t a clue about wrestling. I just came over to say hello.


    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  4. lisleman says:

    I didn’t skip but maybe I should have. I don’t care much at all for WWE. But hey if they are paying you for some drawings then great.

  5. Bill Murphy says:

    Well, it is a “Dog sue dog world” after all!

  6. If chins could kill…

  7. Binky says:

    Is Curious George still wrestling? Or maybe that was Gorgeous George. I’m not really up on the sport.

  8. Tony McGurk says:

    Hustle lawsuit respect does fit better. The other way around just doesn’t sound right. That’s one super muscley cartoon Bearman.

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