Believe in Yourself Motivational Poster

Bearman Cartoons Motivational Poster Believe in YourselfBelieve in Yourself is something we all tend to forget.  So today’s motivational poster cartoon reminds you that “Don’t ever let someone tell you that you’re not good enough.  Never forget that you were the fastest sperm.”  I am saddened by those I see on social media constantly putting themselves down for what they deem their negative qualities.  Focus on what you do right and hopefully look at this and laugh.

Charity Challenge Update

Blown away as I am this year.  Not only by the traction on Google Plus but all the wonderful people sharing the info on their blog and including “Bearman” in their cartoons.  This is almost a full time job trying to keep up with all the wonderful activity so if I missed you, I apologize and let me know in the comments and I will include you in next week’s tracking.

Including Bearman in a Cartoon ($10):

Blogging about the Challenge ($5):

Adding me to Circles on Google Plus ($1):

  • 727 People added me in the first week blowing away last year which in itself was a record breaker!!

Dollar for Dollar Match for Contributions to Crayons 2 Computers:

For a record breaking week one total of $962!!!

Best way I can ask you to support those who support me is to visit their websites and check out the amazing work they are doing.

Interested in getting involved?  See this post.


About Bearman Cartoons

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49 Responses to “Believe in Yourself Motivational Poster”

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  1. Cuz I'm Joe says:

    Thanks for the motivation! I feel I really slowed down since that swim

  2. jynksie says:

    I’m the youngest of 5 to parents who were 40 when I was born.. I wasn’t the fastest sperm, I was the ONLY sperm! [grin] … I stumbled drunk into that maraschino cherry I popped! [gak] Can I say that? Are the kiddies in bed?!?

  3. Comedy Plus says:

    Love the cartoon. The flipping the bird made me laugh out loud. Sperm with fingers. Bwahahahahahaha.

    You are doing great with your Charity Challenge.

    Have a fabulous day. 🙂

  4. David Hurley says:

    Haha, that is some motivation right there!

    And you’re doing great with the fundraiser, continued success bearman!

  5. Simone says:

    No use being the fastest … we need to rely on luck because we can stop going in inappropriate places … like mouths, anus, shower drains, fallopian tube wrong know!!!!

  6. Tony McGurk says:

    I was a lot younger when I was the fastest sperm. Now if I was in the race now I would lose. Inconceivable!!!

  7. Dave says:

    I wasn’t the fastest sperm… just the smartest. But it would seem I lost my smarts. Oops, I put myself down. I’ll look at this motivational poster everyday until I get it. 😉

  8. George Ford says:

    Way to go, man! You are doing good work for great reasons. There will be a Bearman Telethon Show before too long. 🙂

    I’m working on my methods to spend your money. I’ll let you know.

  9. benzeknees says:

    Good way to look at it! Since I’m female & I tend to think of those little guys as male, it never even crossed my mind! 😉

  10. Really?? I thought I always sucked at swimming. You made my day 🙂

  11. Andro says:

    It’s always nice to see your cash being whittled
    down Bearman and for such a great cause too 🙂
    At this rate you will be skint in record time, which
    is absolutely awesome 🙂

    Have a superb Thursday
    and have an awesome time…

  12. Bill Murphy says:

    However, that first swim took everything out of me. 😛
    Great news about your Charity Bearman! 😀

  13. lisleman says:

    good sperm drawing. I might have the details wrong but the winning sperm is half of the total package. The pessimist might say that only half of you came from a winner.

  14. Mark Stokes says:

    And I’ve been swimming upstream ever since!

  15. Joseph says:

    Hmmm… must’ve slowed a bit since that first swim.

    Great job so far on your fundraiser, Bearman! :O)

  16. susi spice says:

    you know though…. if you really think about it..some people were born because they were the best, fastest sperm in the pool…and when you know makes you the rest of the pool mustve been pretty shit pickings.

  17. Gruhn says:

    So motivating! In my case, not the fastest but the best at busting through a wall.

  18. Tim Green says:

    I was the fastest sperm and fastest cartoonist…in this case!

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