Not much needs to be added to this cartoon. Whether you love cats or hate them….they are ASSHOLES. Why is it that cats can sleep 9 hours of their day on hardwood floors and yet when they have to vomit up a hairball they nonchalantly move over to the carpet, the couch or the bed?
I don’t have an answer for that, but totally agree with what you called them.
Haha thanks Deb
Just one of their many bad traits. This highlights their evilness. Well documented.
Thanks Tony. There are so many more reasons
My cat doesn’t vomit on anything. In fact, she just sleeps and eats. So, no complaints here. However, when I used to have a fish, that thing would crap in the most inappropriate places (like, right in front of me in its tank).
We have kne that isn’t a vomit comet but the others make up for it
I have three of the furry little assholes in my house and I concur…
Three that is worse than little girl vampires
Yup. That’s why I have no cats! :OP
Monkeys throw poo
Not on the carpet! We aim for your face :OP
Thankfully your aim is horrible
People think they’re low maintenance because they use a litter box.
They use a liter box? Well that could be one of my issues.
The litter box is the problem.
Now a dog, they need walks. So it’s an exercise program for you too. Granted, they need to go out on the foulest of nights. But have you ever taken your cat on a long, pleasant ramble on a beautiful day?
I tried to walk our cat on a leash to the vet down the street but he stopped kore than a dog
They vomit at the drop of a
hatmouse. 😉Maybe they would barf less in a mouse diet
Get rid of the cat and get a baby. 🙂
Babies are definitely low maintenance.
Yeah right. 🙂
Babies poop and pee and throw up just like a cat but at least the baby looks like me and shows me actual love. There is more return value in a baby than a cat.
Yes they actually enjoy your company
My cat’s not an asshole but only because he thinks he’s a dog. Greets me at the door, brings toys to my feet to throw, and wrestles with the other two dogs. I think rescuing him from the garbage bag when he was a few weeks old and bringing him into a dog home, confused him forever.
The one I refer to as my cat doesn’t do that. He hardly pukes and will wait for me to rub his belly.
The carpet is a more comfortable place, when you aren’t feeling so well.
I hope you use a toilet when you vomit
Ha, ha! Okay, this gave me a good laugh.
Because it’s 100% accurate. 😉
Thanks Bill
The only thing I would add here is the vomiting takes place at 3 AM after making as much noise as possible
Next cartoon. Making that noise an alarm clock
Because they are assholes Bearman, that’s why. Bwahahahahahaha. This is so very true.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
Thanks Sandee you too
Rugs are the toilet of cats.
Why can’t they just use the litter box?
Dogs rule – woof woof
I agree…just too lazy to have and walk them every day
My idiot dog does the same thing. So aggravating. Woke up one morning to the sound of him hurling between my guitar stands. D’oh!
Better than IN your guitar I guess
Cats do this because they know how to annoy their humans.
I heard Wombies aren’t house broken either
A cat will eat you as you lay there, dead! A dog will lay by your side. … that says it all! [smirk]
I don’t like cats, I bring animals into my home for attention and affection. If I want to be ignored, I have a spouse for that! [mmeeeOOOOWWWW] [wink]
Your wife doesn’t ignore you…she is always telling you what to do haha
YES! OMG, YES! or on the only white chair in the house.
Why would you buy a white chair? haha
Hahaha, so true.
I’ll hear my cat start to hurl and move him to the kitchen. He’ll still run back to the carpet!
Our first floor is hardwood…they will actually run to the basement which is carpeted
Interesting. I have no cat experience except for a “hunting cat” my parents had for a while after I moved out that kept the mice away but would also kill everything else including my lower half. Therefore, I’m a dog person and my current dog actually jumps into the bathtub when she gets sick. She wasn’t trained to do this but somehow knows it’s easier for us to clean up!
That is an amazing dog. Maybe she figures she wants you to bathe her afterward
They can really get under our skin. And our carpets.
Over our carpets is fine. Under is a real pain
Oh I see, I see, pick on the darn pussy. Sure they are the spawn of satan but they make a great foot warmer. 🙂
ONly when they are stuffed and can’t claw you in the middle of the night when your toe wiggles
Until recently I was proud of my 8 year old Tuxedo cat Simone who unlike any other cat i’ve owned never threw up hairballs. Then two months ago she wasn’t eating so I took her to the vet where the xrays showed hair in her digestive track from one end to the other. Two xrays and one enema later ( $300 ) dollars I’m still proud but a little poorer.
Just be glad that didn’t come up on your carpet. Yikes
You captured this puuur-fectly, B! 😀
Reason #5012 why I don’t own a cat.
There are so many
Yes and my cat likes to kick her tray litter over the edge,
but that’s the beauty of owning a cat, up at all hours of the
morning chasing down the scoop and wondering if there
is a chance of her keeping the litter in the tray for once?
Luckily it’s only surplus grit out of the
tray, and nothing that rhymes with it 🙂 lol
haha I read kick as lick