Project Blue Collar – Daddy Issues Cartoon

Project Blue Collar Doggy Daddy Issues

Today’s cartoon was done for another friend who started Project Blue Collar that raises awareness and encourages people to adopt rescue dogs. ย Might have a few more coming soon.

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54 Responses to “Project Blue Collar – Daddy Issues Cartoon”

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  1. Yup, I’d say that’s even worse than a bad case of worms. At least there are meds for that.

  2. Red says:

    Love this. Completely support this. Enough said.

  3. Nef says:

    What kind of mother did the dude have? Oh, wait…

  4. Comedy Plus says:

    Bwahahahahahahahaha. Bitch! Bwahahahahahahaha. I love this.

    Have a terrific day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. buddhakat says:

    yep… his mom was sure some kind of b^$@&!!!

    200% behind you with support for this worthy cause!!!


  6. George says:

    Great cartoon and a great cause!

  7. That’s the benefits of a pedigree. This is a worthy project Mister Bearman. Mummy & Daddy’s previous 3 Poodles were rescue doggies. I am the 1st one that came from a Poodle Breeder.

  8. lisleman says:

    Funny idea. Do welcome criticism on a drawing from a non-cartoonist? No big deal but I don’t understand just the one beer glass (looks like a beer to me) and a dog bowl. Now two bowls at a bar would be interesting. I just don’t get the mix. Ok I’ll shut up. Funny idea.

  9. David Hurley says:

    Good cause Bearman.

  10. frigginloon says:

    I absolutely support animal adoption organisations. They should also look at nursing homes etc to adopt a dog. It is amazing what joy they can give the elderly.

  11. Bill Murphy says:

    That sounds like a great project! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Probably a dog who drags his butt and scoots across the carpet.

  13. Binky says:

    Some dogs need better breeding.

  14. Perk at Work says:

    Don’t blue collar guys drink Schlitz?

  15. oh yes i support the cause , in fact my last pet was a rescued street dog.

  16. Very generous of you, as always, Bearman!
    Looks great, too!

  17. Mark Stokes says:

    Papa was a rolling bone! Great cartoon for a great cause, Bearman!

  18. planetross says:

    Things happen in the Heat of the Moment … and things just stray away after that.

  19. Gray Dawster says:

    This is a fine piece of art Bearman
    and thank you for adding such wondrously
    exciting works ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great weekend.

  20. Deb says:

    You mean that dog is a bast**d ?

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