Five Dollar Foot Long – Zombway

Zombway Eat Flesh by Bearman Cartoons

Today’s cartoon was inspired by a Google Plus post by S. Heart.   His comment:  “Zombie Subway: Eat Flesh”  Someone quickly pointed out that someone else already spoofed the name on a tshirt with a Zombie: Eat Flesh logo.  But of course I wanted my own Zombway cartoon showing the zombie actually eating a “$5 Footlong”.   And by footlong I mean dismembered foot.

Hilarious.  I am going to be busy this week so I finished this on Monday and scheduled the post.  5 minutes later I am looking through google plus and see it is all over the place (see here and here)   Though so far I am the only one who has played off the $5 footlong.  I am sure someone will find it already done.

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58 Responses to “Five Dollar Foot Long – Zombway”

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  1. duncanr says:

    It’s hard to keep one ‘step’ ahead of the competition !

  2. Tim Green says:

    I’d pay 5 dollars to keep that away from me!

  3. So THAT’S the secret ingredient!

  4. Too funny. Love the cartoon.

  5. now, that’s bad! 🙂

  6. You have unlocked some kind of pun achievement sir!

  7. Bo Lumpkim says:

    Will you have brains with that?

  8. Bo Lumpkim says:

    I think you probably have a leg up on the competition. They can’t even get a toehold in this race. I’m sure you have been boning up on this for awhile.

  9. Comedy Plus says:

    Bwahahahahaha. This wasn’t what I was expecting and it made me spew my coffee on the monitor. Thanks.

    Have a terrific day. 🙂

  10. Colleen says:

    You worry too much about being original. Just be you. Newton & Liebnitz developed calculus independently at the same time roughly. It was an idea whose time had come.

  11. Deb says:

    How very clever of you!…I like it! 🙂

  12. Tony McGurk says:

    Great cartoon. I wonder if he’ll complain about the bone in it. He could choke to death on that.

    Oh yeah, already dead…

  13. ltpen315,barb says:

    Love it! Weird, though, I had just opened an email from Subway about their footlongs!!

  14. lisleman says:

    good one. I think subway should pay you to use it.

  15. George says:

    I like this one a lot, B. Good work on the art as well as capturing the logo’s font style. And to be honest, sometimes Subway tastes a lot like there’s a foot in it. That’s why I go to Quizno’s mostly now. 🙂

  16. Is it kinda wrong that I want one now?
    Well… without the severed limb, anyway.
    (Very clever!)

  17. Binky says:

    So that’s what they make their subs out of! I think I’ll pass.

  18. I can tell by the toenails that the foot belongs to a male desperate for a pedicure. Ew!

  19. frigginloon says:

    It better be a foot long or I’m suing. Can I have eyes with that?

  20. planetross says:

    I’d be nervous working at a Zombway “no I’m not on the menu.”

  21. Gray Dawster says:

    It is a good job that he doesn’t enjoy a Frankfurter or anything could be dangling out of that sandwich 🙁 Your Zombway is a great piece of art Bearman and with Valentines Day fast approaching I wonder if you will be adding some female zombies, maybe one with a large rack and opinion 🙂 lol

  22. You know… this guy’s diet is still healthier than mine. Great comic! 🙂

  23. bschooled says:

    HAHAHA! “Hold the tomaTOES!”

    Just so you know, I could be here all day….

  24. Mark Stokes says:

    They’re a leg up on the competition.

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