Today’s cartoon was inspired by a Google Plus post by S. Heart. His comment: “Zombie Subway: Eat Flesh” Someone quickly pointed out that someone else already spoofed the name on a tshirt with a Zombie: Eat Flesh logo. But of course I wanted my own Zombway cartoon showing the zombie actually eating a “$5 Footlong”. And by footlong I mean dismembered foot.
Hilarious. I am going to be busy this week so I finished this on Monday and scheduled the post. 5 minutes later I am looking through google plus and see it is all over the place (see here and here) Though so far I am the only one who has played off the $5 footlong. I am sure someone will find it already done.
It’s hard to keep one ‘step’ ahead of the competition !
Unless they are the walking dead and then they kinda drag
I’d pay 5 dollars to keep that away from me!
Let me set up my pay pal account
So THAT’S the secret ingredient!
No the secret ingredient is old spice
Too funny. Love the cartoon.
Thanks hil
now, that’s bad! 🙂
Thanks J
You have unlocked some kind of pun achievement sir!
It’s a pundemic
Will you have brains with that?
His are ooozing
I think you probably have a leg up on the competition. They can’t even get a toehold in this race. I’m sure you have been boning up on this for awhile.
I have to HAND it to you bo, that was good
Bwahahahahaha. This wasn’t what I was expecting and it made me spew my coffee on the monitor. Thanks.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
haha. Well then I was successful But I take no responsibility for the monitor.
You worry too much about being original. Just be you. Newton & Liebnitz developed calculus independently at the same time roughly. It was an idea whose time had come.
Oh sily me, I just Googled Newton & Liebnitz as I was thinking that Calculus must’ve been a comic. Then I realised that I was having a senior moment…
I think Tony is having calculus build up on the brain.
It does sound like a good comic name though. Calculus could be a kid who’s a brainy nerdy math student. Kinda the opposite to Hank Addanac
I think you should introduce Calculus to your neighborhood.
How very clever of you!…I like it! 🙂
Thanks Deb
Great cartoon. I wonder if he’ll complain about the bone in it. He could choke to death on that.
Oh yeah, already dead…
It’s like a bone in ribeye
I guess that makes the footlong a little bit fancy then
Love it! Weird, though, I had just opened an email from Subway about their footlongs!!
It might have been funnier if you got the email AFTER. Then you might think they were tracking your movements
good one. I think subway should pay you to use it.
they have enough PR issues dealing with their 11 inch footlong
I like this one a lot, B. Good work on the art as well as capturing the logo’s font style. And to be honest, sometimes Subway tastes a lot like there’s a foot in it. That’s why I go to Quizno’s mostly now. 🙂
I hate Quiznos. Pot Belly is my place for sandwiches.
Is it kinda wrong that I want one now?
Well… without the severed limb, anyway.
(Very clever!)
Then it would be just bread and veggies….(and blood)
Haha, mmm flesh!
yum yum
So that’s what they make their subs out of! I think I’ll pass.
About that fresh, too.
It does need some seasoning
And a pickle.
I can tell by the toenails that the foot belongs to a male desperate for a pedicure. Ew!
Or a woman really desperate for a pedicure
It better be a foot long or I’m suing. Can I have eyes with that?
Yes Rib-Eye
I’d be nervous working at a Zombway “no I’m not on the menu.”
Plus you would need “braaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiins”
It is a good job that he doesn’t enjoy a Frankfurter or anything could be dangling out of that sandwich 🙁 Your Zombway is a great piece of art Bearman and with Valentines Day fast approaching I wonder if you will be adding some female zombies, maybe one with a large rack and opinion 🙂 lol
hahah…no but I’ll probably repost my Valentine’s day card from last year
You know… this guy’s diet is still healthier than mine. Great comic! 🙂
I’m afraid to ask what you eat.
HAHAHA! “Hold the tomaTOES!”
Just so you know, I could be here all day….
You could earwax poetic
They’re a leg up on the competition.
very nice.
Thank you!