Hat tip to Colleen of Tix Comix who prompted my memory in my last post as to the main reason I keep my home phone line. I lose my cell phone all the time in the house and am always using my home phone line to call it. Sure I can use the locate function on iphones, but then I have to remember how to do it. And what if I lost my cell phone during a power/internet outage?
Oh and look, I used my own handwriting on this one. Now you know why I tend to type text.
If I ever lose mine, I may never look for it.
Thought it was surgically attached…then you would be losing your arm.
Hahahaha! I don’t always call my phone to find it. Sometimes, I ask other people to do it.
And your handwriting isn’t bad, cry baby!
Ask me how many times I wrote it out.
you are not alone ! 😳
I’m not? Are you under my bed?
I haven’t lost mine as of yet, but calling it is a good idea if it’s gone missing in the house.
You aren’t the scatter brain that I am obviously
We only have one so if I want it my wife usually has it lookin’ at Facebook. I really seldom call anyone. I just answer when someone calls me. That is usually when I am eatin’, workin’ or nappin’.
They must have a camera on in my house to know when I am napping
Well it makes sense to me. We do the same thing. It’s just what needs doing way too often.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
Mind is the first thing to go Sandee
This toon and your last toon totally sent me down memory lane about home phone lines. I also keep one around–guess I’m old fashioned. Then I started thinking about beepers/pagers… wow I’m old.
I worked for a group that I was on call all the time so I had a pager in the 90’s. My girlfriend at the time hated it because I had to wear it all the time saying “you aren’t a doctor”
Hey! I have a comic in my buffer on this theme. Could be months though before its published and it’s a slightly different twist. And your handwriting is fine!
That’s ok, I will probably forget I did this by then. Buffer? Man I always wanted one of those
Mobile phones need a function like they have on some keychains: You clap real loud and it triggers it to give off a ringy dingy.
hmmmm…maybe there should be an iphone case that does that….
I’d say your hand writing is spot on, for cartoons.
So my dream of being a wedding invitation calligrapher is out?
I have been cell phone free since August of 2011. I don’t miss it! I have a great excuse for not picking up “I wasn’t home.” I can peacefully go about my day without being bothered AND my home phone is FREE!
Downside: Last time my car broke down, I borrowed – like – 5 cell phones from strangers trying to contact people and I have no phone numbers memorized.
You sound like my sister. She doesn’t have a cell phone either. No one can ever find her.
She must have something to hide.
Probably the fact that she is my sister
Your family sounds like mine.
I have used my landline for the same thing many times. Compared to mine that’s excellent hand lettering.
OK…next cartoon you have to hand letter and we will compare
I’ve got some more of the Ed series to go yet & they’re all done so I’ll do a quick one up to add on to tomorrow’s post
Oh… I forgot to do it. Well maybe another time, if I remember
No fair, Tony! You promised. ;`)
he does that.
I’m constantly ringing for mine. I wish my car keys would answer!!!!!
Glue them together
Smart thinking!!!!
If you lose your mind, can you use your phone to locate it, too?
Only if the bells ring in your head
We are contributing to the longevity of telemarketing companies with ours.
Thank you for saving the economy
I have money loaded on my skype account for that. So no house phone here.
What if they power is out when you can’t find your cell phone?
I keep the landline just because if I ever call 911, I won’t have to speak for the cops to find my house.
Speaking is overrated
Date: 3060. Location: Smithsonian Museum.
Son: “Look, Dad! What is it?”
Father: “That, son, was called a telephone.”
Son: “How does it work?”
Father: “It’s too primitive to explain, son.”
Son: “It’s so OLD! How did it plug it into their cerebral cortex?”
Father: “Haha, son, they held it in their hands.”
Son: “What are hands?”
haha…more like 2060 with the way we are going
Oh, Mark! Too funny! Love it! :`D
I usually don’t lose my phone much but if I do I just have Navar call my phone with cell phone. I try to put my cell in the same place after I use it that seems to help.
You are a creature of habit…I am a creature of forgetfulness
I’m just surprised you still have a phone with a rotary dial!
If they made them, I would…
I still have a rotary phone in my kitchen, just for the heck of it. Work for the incumbent phone company here, and figure that one day land lines will be a thing of the past. Got to admit though, my Blackberry can do a few extra things the old dial can’t. Cheers!
I think some retro dials would be nice…but they need at least a zero to press to get through phone queues..haha
Great idea Bearman,
and nothing wrong with
your writing, it is
much better than some
of the writing I add on
my tacky art 🙂 lol
A great cartoon as always…
Thanks…then again it took 5 times to get it to look that good.
Ahahahahh I think you don’t know how lucky you are.
My phone’s always on silent.
Plus it is good in case you forget to charge you phone. 🙂
I don’t have a celphone. I do have a mobile phone that goes with the land line, and also a GE mobile Skype phone which is always wanting to update after which you have to log in again on the teeniest tiniest screen ever. PITA
The landline is always on answering machine and is used as a magnet for phonespam. Except when once a year at least mice get inside the outside box and chew the wires. (WHY do they do that? Better yet, why don’t they electrocute themselves doing it? o.o)
Generally it’s very peaceful around here. Yesterday we received a message from the emergency weather people telling us to stay indoors and not drive anywhere until further notice. I was shocked. Someone finally used the phone for something useful! ;`D
Well at least you get some use out of it….Hope you are staying high and dry.
I forgot I wanted to also say this: I think you could turn that hand lettering of yours into a unique Bearman font! Only five tries? Did you use an Ames Lettering Guide?
I tried that once. Didn’t come out right and when I went to try again they started charging for it.