When I first started this blog, I was all about the number of hits I got. I would check my stats several times a day hoping to see a spike. As I have matured as a blogger, I am more interested in the amount of engagement on my posts rather than pure numbers.
However it doesn’t mean I don’t periodically check out my stats especially when I notice a larger than normal spike.
For whatever reason today I noticed that yesterday I got over 1000 hit spike from Yahoo search engines. I mean no one uses Yahoo search engines anymore so that is huge (haha j/k Yahoo). Seriously though I get little traffic from that source. A little investigation in what the image search term people were using to find my site came up with….
Cartoon You Stink
Now it would be interesting to know if that result was based on something I wrote or whether it was a mistaken snark remark that should have been “Cartoonist, you stink”. My feeling is that 1000 people didn’t actually look for that search term but it was bots instead. Though I don’t know a thing about all that.
What about you. Oddest search term someone has used to find your blog?
I rarely get spikes of 1000+ and like you, very little from yahoo, but one comic consistently gets 10x more hits than the others on google image search. The search term is happy birthday son, and if I enter it in image search with personalization off, there are hundreds of matching images and I don’t even see mine even following up to six or seven pages of google results. Conventional SEO suggests that you should narrow your keywords, and I would think “Happy Birthday Son” might be pretty general. So I can’t explain this based on the insane cleverness of the comic, but on the capriciousness of google, and I can’t figure out how they are even seeing the thumbnail, let alone falling into it. The good news is that some of them stick around and read a few more strips as well.
On google you were the 4th image. Don’t know if personalization on/off matters for me.
The IS weird. I’ll bet you almost had whiplash as you took a second look. (funny) For the record- this dinosaur still uses yahoo. 🙂
I use yahoo mail if that counts…
I’ve not a clue how to know what you’re asking. I don’t much care about anything other than my buddies. They are the most important to me. I have statistics on my blog, but I thought way back in the day that you were supposed to have that on your blog.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
When you look at your stats they list the keywords that people have used on search engines to find your site. Don’t know if the same for blogger
Yeah. I’ll get the odd spike in ‘views’ every once in awhile, too. Sometimes even from Yahoo. Woo-hoo!
Maybe their new CEO who came from google did me well.
That would definitely be “porn” and I never understood why would it have anything to do with my comics. Lots of view from that search word. Go figure. 8)
Porn type searches always pulls in the visitors. You did well on the keywords in posts..haha
Most of my biggest keyword draws come from “Matt Dillon”. I used his pic once to show how much he’d look like Mr. A in the AC movie (from his stint in Something About Mary).
Though Mr A seems to be the one with the hair gel.
I’m hoping that the phrase “most interesting man in the world” would be the keyword to bring me traffic, fame and fortune. But might need to wait a long time.
Maybe you need a better beer
Dear god Bearman all my traffic comes from Prince William Naked.
Not Kim Jong doing Gangnam?
That’s rather odd. Maybe someone is trying to tell us that all cartoons stink, and thus all us cartoonists stink as well. Though since the search term is barely in English, perhaps we shouldn’t worry what such people think.
True…sounds Canadian to me..he he
No, a Canadian would have said “carton you stink, eh?”
Carton? Is that what they call them north of the border?
I don’t use Google Analytics to figure out what search terms people use to land at my blog (deathly afraid of screwing something up in my template while adding the code) but I usually figure out by the amount of abnormal hits a very mundane post of mine would get on what would be the most “popular”.
Right now, spammers have hit four of my posts very badly, which has caused me to nuke one, turn a second into a draft and turn a third into a completely different post with a different URL. The fourth still gets a few hits, but because they come from spammers, it doesn’t make it to my top ten most popular post list anymore.
However, my top three spam comments are:
1) UGG boots.
2) Knock-off purses.
3) Soccer cleats.
I think you should market some Knock Off UGG cleats. Then you would get all over them covered
That brings back memories! I used to get hundreds of UGG boot comments! And the purses, too!
I use a no-captcha captcha plugin which eliminates almost all of the spam comments now.
I just use askimet which does the same thing without having to deal with all that stuff.
No one finds me from search engins but spammers. My 30 or 40 viewers come from the comments I malke on other comics. I have only broke 100 viewers about a dozen times in 4 years.
Sadly Bo, I don’t think that 1000 was anything more than search bots so while I can act excited…it really isn’t.
I find adding keywords in the post or the tag area helps.
Actually I come up pretty quick when you Google Bo Lumpkin but there just ain’t that many people who do that. 🙂
No like you need to add key words in the “tag” area when you create a post. So if you are doing a cartoon put “cartoon, old ladies, etc” If you are doing jewelry put in “jewelry, hand made, crafts etc”)
I have been doin’ that lately. Every once in awhile I even throw in a trending topic just to see if I get any hits. Believe it or not I do listen to all the good advice you give me. (I don’t always act on it but I do listen.) 🙂
Teach my wife
I have had some weird search terms as well, I can’t remember what would have been the weirdest though.
I bet is was “Rent Textbooks Spammer”
Hey, Cartoon YouStink sounds like a great search engine for finding vulgar cartoons! Better copyright that name for yourself before someone else does!
You do it. I’m too lazy. Just make sure I get my 20% cut.
Yeah, well I’m too lazy to finish this
Your ‘spike’ is nearly 4x’s higher than my best day… EVER. Not that you don’t deserve it, Bearman. Or that I pay attention to things like stats *lies through teeth*.
Coincidentally, face palm is one of my more interesting search terms. With all the movie quotes I get some pretty unusual ones.
Trust me that spike was a big thing. Well looking at the amount of commenters you get, you aren’t doing so bad.
The commenters on my blog are some of the very kindest, most generous folks out there (yourself included), Bearman… I sincerely appreciate their time and each and every comment! I suspect the lower numbers are related to a lack of ‘random’ traffic (which is an entirely different animal, I guess).
Random traffic is good for my ego…but not as much as random comments
Ego is not a dirty word, Just ask me. O_O
OK…is ego a dirty word?
I’ve been blogging for years, it’s amazing how people find blogs and websites, I still get lots of hits on things I wrote many years ago, it just seems to be a subject that people keep searching and if you wrote about it and they’ll find you. Now look at how long they stuck around, was it more than a second? That’s the true test, did they stick around to read the content?
I am waiting for George Ford to send me a picture of him ala Scarface so I can update that tutorial since I am still getting hits on that years later.
Lady gaga wears meat dress and bear on a rope. I think it would have been nicer if the one thousand spike was a search for funny cartoons. Nice spike it does make you wonder what was going on and why.
I think I have the Lady gaga wears meat dress cartoon in my archives
You certainly deserve all the hits that you receive Bearman as your Space is definitely one of the places to frequent around WordPress and beyond. I show a hit counter on my leading page though it is of no real importance, I just added it for fun and it is rather low in numbers because my Space is Private but like yourself I much prefer the friendliness that is offered within our comments, as this is what makes blogging, script writing, cartooning and everything else that we enjoy much more worthwhile. Have a really good rest of day Bearman 🙂
Thanks Goth. Well mine isn’t a private club like yours but trust me these hits are an anomaly.
I’m not sure that I’ve really seen tons of traffic from odd search words (there have been very few times my numbers have even reached 1000 on Bunny Wiggins)… but in my previous comic Muddlecreek, it got 60,000 hits by making a joke about Tom Cruise!
Maybe you should do a Tom Cruise strip.
Last week I had 600 hits in less than an hour all due to the word “fart”. My boys are pretty psyched about it. Sadly, it hasn’t happened again. But the search term that brings the most traffic to my site is…drum roll, please…
“Kate Middleton’s armpits.” Yup, she must have very sexy armpits. Bet you never noticed. Maybe a possible cartoon idea? Might be worth the traffic.
Kate Middleton’s armpits sounds like a great cartoon but the paparazzi already beat me to that.
You can never have enough farts in your blog.
Great idea, search term driven comics. Get your keyword analyzer tools ready!
If I knew anything about that I might be able to actually grow my numbers.
The Internet is a fickle mistress my friend.
She is always cheating on me
As you’re probably aware, image searches are a big deal, so if you’ve got a cartoon that appears in an image search for a commonly searched-for term, you’re golden. “You Stink” sounds like a pretty common one. You have hit the jackpot with that one.
People usually find my blog searching for “elephants shitting” and “mutant genitals.”
Go figure….
I don’t even want to know the post about mutant genitals. ha
For Japanese Ghost: hot mom comics, sexy japen ghost, mom hot.
For Dummies of the Year: katy perry naked, holy crap, котята, милые котята, katy perry nude, Bearman stinks… just kidding about the last one 😉
I don’t take much notice. I’ll go have a loo at my stats page
This is my weirdest one: Gun control banana (Huh???)
And I can’t imageine what comic this one related too: my blessed home inside bruxelles board of directors email addresess 2011 and 2012
Have you cleaned up your stats page yet? Don’t know why you would pee on them.
Look, Look. Peeing on it would’ve caused electrocution via my computer
You are the one that said ” I’ll go have a loo at my stats page”
My 2 stupid typing fingers have a mynd of their own sometimes. See what I mean they even spelt mind rong
My image leader is not fun or weird, but my content one is: porn SI
Although, my readers voted “finger flushing toilet” the weirdest.
You should have had one of my Happiness is posters then..haha