Happy Passover to my Jewish friends. This Matzah (Matza, Matzo…damn how do you spell it?) Ball Cartoon was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend. His girlfriend is Jewish and he went to her house for Passover seder. He said he really loved the Matzah Ball soup. I asked him if he knew whether or not they cut the balls off the matzah before or after killing it in the wild. He looked at me confused for a minute.
I also made this image. Thoughts on whether I should put it on a t-shirt?
Reminds me of that scene in the Chevy Chase movie “Funny Farm” when he was eating sheep balls…
Rocky Mountain Oysters??
Mmmmm, that’s some tasty balls.
They aren’t Shweaty Balls…for sure.
No wonder they are elusive.
Hope they grow back.
You’ve just ruined Matzah Ball munching for me! Oy-vey! o.O *smirk*
Is it really “munching” I think of munching like on a cracker or even Matza. A Matzah ball is more like gumming or slightly chewing
Hate to admit it, but I have no clue what a Matzah is. I’m guessing they have scrumptious balls though
You live in FLORIDA. Go find a retired Jewish woman to make you a nice meal. You are wasting away.
With all the perks of Florida, I’ve yet to become acquainted with even a person with a boat….and I live on the water!
you need to call out to them as the float by
This looks like the making of a great character, BM! I’ve never eaten any, but I have kicked a Matzah in the balls once or twice just on general purpose. He was okay, though. A little dazed, but okay.
Eaten Matzah or Matzah Balls? Typically if you kick them in the balls they crumble.
Hooray! Matzah balls for all!
Shhh…don’t let PETA hear you say that, they may be listening.
PETA don’t care about Matzo’s. They are not furry and cute. They are square and kinda dry and I hate to break it to ya, but those guys aint got balls at all. If you’re looking for the elusive balls, they are typically found lurking in Jewish kitchens.
Oh so PETA doesn’t support the senseless killing of the African Ringworm???
The Matzahball is square?
No…you just can’t see them hidden behind the crust.
CRANKY! What a wondrous sight! Ah, such a BEAUTIFUL specimen!
*in my best Steve Irwin*
Wouldn’t that be Crickey not Cranky?
Blahahahahahaahahahahahahhaha cranky ! Yep, it’s crickey.
Crickey, can’t someone be cranky when they want to be?
Not when they are quoting someone
but I’m cranky! So… combining the two… would be… never mind.
Sorry. My bad.
Believe it or not, I Googled what I thought was the correct phrase, and got a few results… the interweb never lies, right?! 🙂
The loon and I will just refer to you as Dunbo. Susi spice is giving up her crown
Did someone say… CROWN?!
I’m all about that.
Yes but not Crown Royale.
Run! Protect your precious, delicious balls!
I am guessing as a single lad you weren’t chased down for your balls??
I could have swore that was me hiding behind the tree. I’ll leave follow up ball jokes alone.
You have more dimensions than Mr Matzah.
The T-shirt looks like Mel as well.
Mel has been described as a little boxy.
Damn, I was about to say it looked like Mel. Thought you were doing more caricatures or a Matzah Balls for dummies joke 🙂
Mel was the inspiration for the matzah look
I’d say send me the royalties but seeing how Amazon Japan owns the little guy I don’t think I can receive anything 🙁
So you have a hidden identity.
I’ve tasted matzah. Believe me it’s not an experience I want to repeat. You need not fear your matzah balls are in any danger from me !!!
And judging by this, I’m not the only one with an ambivalent attitude towards matzah 😆
You missed their last line. “You can eat it because it ain’t all that bad”
Love that video Duncan
do these come in italian flavor?
Yes…throw some oregano and pizza sauce on them.
I am so glad I am not a Matzah. Or if I was I’d want to be female.
BugsMatzah to Elmer Fudd: So Doc do you wanna take me home orshootcastrate me now???As I said before, if they grow back (or bake back) it might not hurt too much.
Hahaha! My sister and her friend made matzah balls for our Passover seder and they were small. I wanted to call them “not-so balls” but I figured no one should say that to anyone else, regardless of gender.
haha love it “not-so balls” Maybe they need to take an old Jewish lady cooking class.
I have a sneaky suspicion Bearman is taking cooking classes. Two food toons in a row, something’s cooking!!!!!!
And look what it is! Crickey.
The only thing I can make is reservations
Definitely t-shirt material. Excellent on both.
Thanks J5. Finally someone answered my question. haha
I wonder if a rifle is the best weapon to hunt a Matzah? For years now I’ve been using a baseball bat and a bowie knife, but maybe that’s foolish. I’ve never actually encountered one in the wild. How dangerous is a Matzah anyway? I mean, you wouldn’t hunt bears with a baseball bat and a bowie knife, so is it wise to hunt a Matza that way? Maybe I should bring a first aid kit, just in case.
Rifles and baseball bats might not be a good idea. The matzah is so fragile that either could disintegrate it to a million pieces
mazel tov Oy vey poor matzah
Do I have yet another jewish friend or someone who just knows the lingo?
Dr. Livingstone’s balls, I presume ?
haha…I really need to read that book sometime.
Too funny Bearman. I will have to send this to my friends who are celebrating.
Thanks RT…hope they like it.
I Googled Matzah & sure enough their were plenty of square ones just like yours as well as lottsa photos of Matzah Balls too. Your cartoon/comic came up in the results too
That’s my goal. Find out what no one else is cartooning about and then do it so I show up on search. I hope I was on page one.
Drats I used the wrong “their”
You need the Ajax Edit Comments plugin like I’ve got so we/I can edit our/my mistakes…
More plugins can slow down the site so I avoid as many as possible. On the other hand, I would rather make fun of your errors as that gives me a sense of accomplishment.
Hands off that Matzah’s balls!
Always looking out for the other guy.
You said balls.
Who? This is NOT that kind of site.
I think it would sell. Try next year?
Someone has to eat matzah year round.
HA! I’ve been missing some funny stuff!
Really wondering matah ball cartoon here.
Brilliant! I am going to send this to my (Jewish) parents. They will be giggly.
Thanks. Let me know what they say!