With all the talk about iPad, Apple’s new tablet, there have been those who are disappointed with the final result. Cartoonists like myself bemoan not being able to actually draw our stuff on it. Others wonder if it is advertised to show movies, then why no DVD player (answer I tend to hear is battery power). Do you care? You getting one? I know all the reasons people don’t want one. What are the reasons you do want one?
BTW…looks like Stalebacon cartoons also was thinking along the same lines as I was that calling it an iPad just sends a confusing message.
Looks like you and MadTV are on the same wave length:
Hilarious. They should have trademarked that name back then.
I can’t breathe…
I’m not getting one, but I’ll pretend to care… 😛
As long as you pretend.
I can’t stop laughing over this (Mac)iPad thing!! ZI’m gonna lose me spleen!! ROFL
Save it in a jar and post a pic of it.
Haha! Oh god that is GOLD!
Well actually I think it is grayish in color. At least before it is used.
Wow… love the cartoon but I must say that the video from FJ blows me away! What about us menopausal types who no longer need the pad?????
guess I’ll stick with my PC.
Then I think you need the next latest product from Apple iLube.
Blahahaah no strings attached 🙂 . I heard you can get them with or without wings 🙁
Yeah I got one with wings. Threw it off the roof and it didn’t fly.
Bummer 🙁
How did she get it fit there? No. Wait. Actually. I don’t want to know.
Seriously. I don’t.
I was going to try to color it to look like spandex but then I figured that was just WRONG!!!
What?? You can’t draw on it? I assumed that was one of the points of the iPad, to compete with the Cintiq (I haven’t watched the video). I was thinking of getting one just for editing my art in Photoshop. What’s the point of this thing?
I am with you. I thought for sure I could load PS on it and have at it. Then I might actually be able to spend time with the other half while drawing.
I heard there are supposed to be some drawing aps for it. But then I would have to draw it on the ipad and still export it to PS to finish.
Is it too hard to ask for a Cintiq with an internal processor????
Ya’ll gettin’ way over my head here. The reason I don’t get lots of stuff is if that I can’t afford it and if I got it I wouldn’t know what to do with it. I have enough expensive doorstops and paperweights as it is.
Who spends money on doorstops? You are crazy..haha
Freaking outrageous. Funny stuff.
Thanks MJ.
OMG, that sort of pad!
NOW you get it!!!
i still say a decent Olivetti typewriter and a number 3 pencil is all anyone really needs.
Number 3 pencil. Fancy. We only used Number 2 pencils.
You’re right again Mr Mills
Yeah, this thing is of no interest to me. Now, if there was a Microsoft Maxi out there, well….
That would make for a very … umm … interesting “I’m a Mac and I’m a PC” commercial! 🙂
I’m a mac and I am a pad. I am a PC and I am a tampon. errrrr.
Haha … um … yeah. errrrr. 🙂
i can’t believe all the publicity and jokes stemming from this!! amazing!
So many cartoons all over the web on this.
It always pays to read the instuction first.
Instructions are for sissys..haha
Combine the Ipad with Wii controller functions and a whole new generation of perverts will explode onto the scene. Tennis anyone?
Hmmm…you’ll have to paint a clearer picture for me. Not sure what you mean..haha
That would then be an incontinence pad …..Hey Don, come back I think you might like it after all 🙂
Only if they are giving away free cardigan sweaters.
WTF was Apple thinking?
“Well, it’s a pad, and we’ve got to put ‘i’ in front of it because we put ‘i’ in front of everything.”
They could have used anything besides ‘pad’ though.
Out of all the options they could select from, they picked iPad?
This does not instill confidence in the Marketing division.
I bet you someone is getting the shaft.
Maybe the iShaft.
I am thinking someone else caught onto their plans and trademarked iTablet but I think iTab would be better. I think I would like to be confused with an old diet drink than a maxi.
oh man….. oh noooooooo………
What??? What did I do?
i am by no means a computer literate person as you well know. i wont be hacking into any planetary computer systems soon BUT i had a look at this TamPad by apple and i cant see how i would use it, it is too simplistic and too big for my liking. i cant fit in my bag
Come on. Given all the things you carry around…you have to have a big bag.
That was the funniest Bearman Cartoons yet! I could not stop laughing at it. Great job, yo! 😀
Funniest?? No way. I didn’t even think it was good enough to submit to reddit, etc..haha
Thanks…that is what I am here for.
Great for those Geeky girls that are pre puberty 🙂
Or post menapausal. Present company excluded of course.
Funny stuff, Bearman.
Personally, I think I’ll wait for the “Ipad with wings” to come out…
Than you need to check out the stalebacon cartoon above.
lol oh no….
Why are people doing this to the new IPAD…….lol
How did that lady get it up tho
Very funny…. keep it up!
naw i’m not getting one, i’m a pc gal myself. have you ever noticed how people (i call them i-Snobs) are always thinking of new ways to bring up the fact that they have an i-Phone?
But ask anyone with an iphone how their service is and they will most likely complain.
i dont want to step on anyone’s toes here but i think i-Snobs complain about everything… ooooh, if the shoe fits….