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  1. Donald Mills says:

    Very nice work Bearman. I particularly like the HalloWeiner shirt. Well done

  2. I would definitely like to have the second one. Suits my personality to a T.

  3. spilledinkguy says:

    Hallowino … ha … love it *hic* ! 🙂

  4. Nice!!!

    Funny stuff.. : )

  5. Lynn says:

    boo-doo is hilarious bearman and is that me dancing on rip’s grave in #2?

  6. love the first one! BAHAHAHAHAH.

  7. John K says:

    love the wino one!

  8. George says:

    I think the “Happy Hallo-wino” is my favorite!

  9. Sheila Deeth says:

    Very nice indeed. Wonder what I’ll see on the passers by.

  10. tannerleah says:

    Looks like the boo-doo ghost could use a laxative.

  11. Terri says:

    Really love the second one really says Terri!!!!!

  12. Tony says:

    They’re all great, I really like the Holloweiner

  13. Great stuff. The word weiner always makes me laugh.

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