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  1. Nate Fakes says:

    Just like ‘Spinning’ has nothing to do with taking shots of whiskey and watching the room spin

  2. frigginloon says:

    Blahahhha suffer in your jocks. When the eyelids start hurting you are in BIG trouble!

    • My eyes hurt from staring at my fat ass in all those mirrors…does that count?

      • frigginloon says:

        Ah you have fat bloggers ass syndrome too 🙁 . I have to resort to Jacobs Ladder three times a week. They are these evil 441 stairs up the side of this hill. The stairs are at a 45 degree angle making it a bitch to climb. Each visit requires me to go up and down them 9 times just to keep the butt from exploding. It also gives me my weekly dose of sunlight 🙂

  3. bschooled says:

    Maybe you should remove the boot, Bearman…

  4. I can’t take that kinf of Torture!

    Thoses classes rate right up there with Water Boarding!

  5. John K says:

    feel the burn!

  6. George says:

    If it’s called Boot Camp and it’s not the name of a new shoe store, it can’t be good.

  7. Sheila Deeth says:

    Will it make you tough as an old boot?

  8. spilledinkguy says:

    It must be a good sign that you haven’t been voted out of the gym yet … and a one, and a two! 🙂

  9. jammer5 says:

    Two words: Couch camp.

  10. alantru says:

    So… Can you pick up a phone?

  11. Tony says:

    Whenever I hear of Gyms offering Boot Camp I remember my Navy recruit training days. Oh the pain, the pain…
    I am with Jammer, couch camp sounds real good

  12. Lynn says:

    bearman, no pain no gain ring a bell? (smile) hope your aches are better…

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