Guest Cartoon at CockNBull

Quick I did a guest cartoon several weeks ago for CockNBull which is now up today so check it out and tell people it is the funniest thing you have ever seen.   For those unfamiliar CockNBull is a hilarious strip about …..a Cock (not that one Myra) and a Bull.  Arnie Dunnel, the creator is afraid to have his characters cuss so I thought it only appropriate.

Tonight or tomorrow, I will tell the story of shame that I have for not realizing until I looked at it again last week, that I had lifted the idea from someone who is bright, talented, good looking, and a hero to us all.  I will put up my apology then.

Bonus points if you know who and what cartoon.

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No Responses to “Guest Cartoon at CockNBull”

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  1. Danica says:


  2. John K says:

    That is indeed one of the funnier things I have seen!

  3. George says:

    Man, I can’t wait to go check it out! I’ll be right back!

  4. spilledinkguy says:

    Pretty sure I hatched … or will, at some point. 🙂

  5. yorksnbeans says:

    Leave it to our lovable Bear!! 🙂

  6. Sheila Deeth says:

    I like it. I’ll be back.

  7. Daamn, this shit is tight! It’s tighter than Bat-man flying through the air beating up Teletubbies! And that’s pretty tight!

  8. Phillyzero says:

    Good to hear a cuss word here and there 🙂

  9. Good job Bearman. You’re showing up all over the place!

  10. WTF?? Impressive, Bear.


  1. […] Guest Cartoon at CockNBull « Bearman Cartoons […]

  2. […] few days ago in my post about my guest cartoon at CockNBull Webcomic, I lamented that I unbeknowingly stole the  the idea.  Here is what I said: Tonight or […]

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