Testing New Social Links

Thought I would join the world of bloggers who have social media buttons on their posts.  But of course I had to make some of my own for my favorites.  Many of you already have seen my Tweet This button to allow readers add any article to Twitter (directions here).  Well my other two favs are Digg and StumbleUpon so I created those as well.

Now in order to catch all the remaining ones, since I am hosting on wordpress.com there are some limitations.  A guy named Hillel Storer created GetSocial to easily handle this for any post.  Click here for an overview and click here for the latest download.

Let me know what you think and if I screwed up any of the coding.

BTW…I have gotten requests about using my Tweet This button in the past and I there may be some for these new ones.  I have no problem with anyone using them on their own site with one simple condition.  You must add my site to your blog roll.

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  1. John K says:

    I have had some real problems with Tweet This. I am excited to get my computer back up and running and check out this getsocial app, thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Hope it helps…

  3. George says:

    You’re a marketing genius, Bearman! And here I was just calling you special because you rode the short limo. 🙂

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