The Daily Uplift

Check out my Blog Roll for the Daily Uplift. Although not “daily”, it is updated frequently with things that make you smile. Besides, I want her to get more traffic from people who actually comment on blogs as I am tired of late of being the only commenter.

I also updated my blog roll with some others as well.  Check it out.

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No Responses to “The Daily Uplift”

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  1. G says:

    Many thanks for the blog link on yours, I will be more than happy to reciprocate on mine.

  2. Been there. It’s a good site but I haven’t left a comment in a while. I’ll get on it. Thanks Bearman.

  3. Bolg rolled it 🙂

  4. womaninblack says:

    I shall hurry over and have my say. I am embroiled in an elaborate April Fool’s day nonsense in my newspaper and am dealing with lots of readers who are perplexed by a story so transparently false that it’s practically printed on tissue paper.
    I am not built to deal with ‘the public’.

  5. nursemyra says:

    sorry I won’t be around to comment much for the next week or so. Am moving house on Saturday so my time is taken up with packing and harrassing my isp

  6. Just make sure the movers aren’t slowed down by your weird medical device collection.

  7. nursemyra says:

    they’d have to be Houdinis to get into that

  8. oh i see…. do a really nice thing for someone, but its secretly a favor for yourself.

    you’re despicable.

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