Yes it is that time of year once again. The Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge 2016 from May 9 – June 15, where you do stuff and I donate money to worthy charities. This is the 8th Year I have done this so far donating over $7500. I do this […]
Bearman Cartoons - Editorial Cartoons, Political Cartoons, Pop Culture Cartoons, Caricatures, T-shirts, & Other BS
Yes it is that time of year once again. The Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge 2016 from May 9 – June 15, where you do stuff and I donate money to worthy charities. This is the 8th Year I have done this so far donating over $7500. I do this […]
Here is the breakdown for week 4: $2 each for 1 new follower on Facebook. $2 each for FreddyNOTLP, Cat5ComicsGames, TweetSmarter, Herta078, Leadershipfreak, LollyDaskal, lifeismarktrail, TheGoodyGoody, cowmumble, Josepf, Timtoons, crittertopia, strippedcomics, SgtElzetta, truebluecomic, JulieKayJKLD, krakhead, Roc_Cayard_Fan, executieveil, FLDreamr, itsnotaboutwork, DutieeTweets, mtupyro, ReShootComic, PopSmacker, TheVoidComic, MarshallRamsey, OfficeInkComics, lucentmediallc, Piecomic for following me […]
Here is the week three breakdown: $2 each for 12 new followers on Facebook. I hit 200 and then someone decided to take it back so I hover at 199 $2 each for iPeed, 700BillRinehart, Midtoon, Dustyad, astoreisgood, roystoncartoons, kaazaah, Malvinagp19, NetworkingLeads, Promote_Cincy, AddictionHealer, AlfijsLacis, sightsoblind, CincinnatiDealz, sjaakbewaak, CultureROI, edycott, RexMayBaloo, […]
Here is the week two breakdown: $2 each for 0 new followers on Facebook (That is zero for you math buffs) $2 each for @francisbonnet, @robbieandbobby, @JonCDraws, @bobbyjkane, @ChickenChunkie, @Tim_the_Sheep, @CupcakeGothic, @caricaturekerry, @claytoonz, @costa_kout, @mikeroth, @brewsterrockit, @Neogrupo, @manninschool, @SalesmanTrainer, @EdwardLHeld, @RichardC, @robotfriday, @Tiffanyls36, @vipercomics, @AMAnet, @BogartsShows, @guyhodge for following me on Twitter. $10 each for including […]
Week one is complete and we started out thing with a bang. First though, let me thank the folks at the Webcomic Alliance for letting me hijack their site today and blog about the challenge. If you are a cartoonist or interested in cartooning as a business, they offer a wealth […]
Several different cartoon related projects have sprung up to support the relief efforts in Japan. Comics for Japan is asking cartoonists to create cartoons showing their characters donating to the relief efforts and asking them to publicize ways for their readers to donate. You can check out their site to […]
Given the massive destruction of property and lives that happened in Japan, people always wonder how they can help. Internationally, the Red Cross does an amazing job in my opinion and I quickly donated and wanted to put a banner linking to their donation page on my site. I wasn’t […]