Charity Challenge Week One Results

Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge

Week one is complete and we started out thing with a bang.

First though, let me thank the folks at the Webcomic Alliance for letting me hijack their site today and blog about the challenge.  If you are a cartoonist or interested in cartooning as a business, they offer a wealth of information, so check them out.  In addition, since several of their members are behind the Webcomics: What’s Cooking Book which is also raising money for hunger,  I promised to pay an additional $5 for every book they sold this month.  I’ll update at the end of the month on that tally.

Here is the week one breakdown:

$2 each for 11 new followers me on Facebook

$2 each for valerie_smith, drawntobewild, CincyCasino, DigitalAdhesive, ChewyHuman, Beefstu409, Wombie, CincyLiveMusic, manchesternova, InfctiusCharity, Foreman_8157 for following me on Twitter.

$10 each for including me in their cartoon:

$5 each for those adding a link or banner to Beartoons on their site:

$10 each to those who blogged about the challenge:

Please let me know if I missed anyone!!!

Which gives us a week 1 total of ………$204

Let me know if I missed anyone. If you want to find out how to get involved just click the image above to go to the post that explains it all.

About Bearman Cartoons

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20 Responses to “Charity Challenge Week One Results”

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  1. Bo Lumpkin says:

    At this rate you are going to come up short of the 1000. I have the rest of today and all day tomorrow to be creative. Like I said… Go ahead and pay up and I’ll leave you alone. Comin’ up.. New more in depth blog and your link and gravatar will be everywhere. Thinkin’ about a video too.

  2. Would taking your link down and then re-posting it count?

  3. Nate Fakes says:

    I put your link up on my Break of Day Facebook page. Don’t know if it counts, but I’m sure it gets more exposure than my blog (since that only gets 1 or 2 readers a week)!

  4. Scholar Mel says:

    I keep getting spam pingback/trackbacks so you ended up in the trash. Then I saw Bearman and pulled you back out.

    Congrats on the results thus far! 🙂

  5. Friggin Loon says:

    That all….come on people. Don’t make me have to post about it AGAIN!!!!!

  6. Duncanr says:

    O.K. Bearman, I can see you’re going to make me work over this 🙄

    I’ve added one of your banner ads to Madhatters

    (I’ve started small – next week I’ll upgrade to a larger size banner to squeeze some more money out of you) 😆

    • Bearman says:

      Haha. Perfect. Be careful or that carefully designed gruff exterior may start to chip away and show your puppy dog interior

  7. Tony McGurk says:

    I’ve just included you in my Sunday Bible Comic, another 10 bucks for charity Kachink!!!

  8. Binky says:

    Okay, Bearman, I’ve included a notice of your charity drive on Monday’s Wombania cartoon.

  9. Excellent post with a new collection of good news here.

  10. This is really a excellent post with have a wondering info.I am glad to watch it.

  11. bear.

    i might give away free shit, but at least i don’t use charity for self promotion.


    but on a serious note – good job 😉

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