Sarah Palin – Mother of the Year

Sarah Palin Mother of the Year Editorial Cartoon

Sarah Palin is back in the news and has my vote to win Mother of the Year.  The day after her son allegedly was drunk and hit his girlfriend, Palin was on the stumping block announcing that she was backing Donald Trump for President. Rather than postponing that speech to […]

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Republicans on Halloween


Halloween is almost upon us and it is time for Trick or Treating.  Unfortunately it seems with the round of candidates up for the Presidential Nominee, it is the Republican Party that is playing tricks on us.  So sure a kid seemingly dressed as a ghost is more likely a […]

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Texas Secedes from United States Cartoon

Seems some conservatives are none too happy about President Obama being reelected.  Disappointment is one thing and I am sure you heard many threats from people saying they were leaving the country if Obama got reelected.  Well I guess they realized that most of the rest of the world is […]

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The Sky is Falling

Woo Hoo, only two more days before the sentiment of today’s editorial cartoon is over.  I can safely say that I am not the only one with voter fatigue.  The bad news is that whomever does win, we will still be hearing this sentiment from the other side for four […]

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Election Bumper Stickers

It is election season in the United States.  Your choices (not including 3rd party candidates) are either President Obama or Mitt Romney.  You can decide in the comments or decide with your wallet and show your support to the world because I have put these images on Bumper Stickers for […]

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Bill Clinton Speaks at DNC

Seems former President Bill Clinton is needed to rile the troops at the Democratic National Convention where he has been invited as a keynote speaker.   Hope he can make it through all his lines with a straight face.  Not a secret the history between him and President Obama.

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Space Cadets: NASA, Mars, and Presidential Candidates

The Cartoonist Studio Editorial Cartoon Contest continues and I made it to week EIGHT!!  Thanks to all for voting.  Click the image above or here to go to the voting.  You should do a search of “Bearman” and my cartoon will come up front and center and then vote.  Again, as long […]

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Editorial Cartoon: Obama and Romney Censor Reporters

The Cartoonist Studio Editorial Cartoon Contest continues and I made it to week SIX!  Thanks to all for voting.  Click the image above or here to go to the voting.  You should do a search of “Bearman” and my cartoon will come up front and center and then vote.  Some people were […]

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Editorial Cartoon: Obama’s Wedding Chapel

The Cartoonist Studio Editorial Cartoon Contest continues and I made it to week THREE!  Thanks to all for voting.  Click the image above or here to go to the voting.  You should do a search of “Bearman” and my cartoon will come up front and center and then vote.  Some people were […]

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