Preparation Hillary T-shirt


Preparation Hillary Tshirt

Preparation Hillary T-Shirt.  I thought this parody of the Preparation H box would make my readers who are fans of Hillary Clinton (any of you out there?) happy.  Clinton’s biggest threat in the Democrat nomination for President is Bernie Sanders.

Bernie supporters are very mobile and vocal on social media tagging many of their posts with “Feel the Bern”  So what better way to take care of the “Bern” than some Preparation H.

Get the shirt here


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21 Responses to “Preparation Hillary T-shirt”

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  1. frigginloon says:

    Someone? Anyone?

  2. George says:

    Hahaha! I like this one. Gives new meaning to ‘great burn’.

  3. Comedy Plus says:

    Not a fan of either one of them. Scary the both of them.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  4. lisleman says:

    Good one, clever – Since I’m waiting until we have actually nominated candidates I didn’t know about the “Feel the Bern” phrase. I’m glad you explained that.

  5. Binky says:

    I think it would be better to use some disappearing cream on all politicians.

  6. Scott says:

    That’s funny!

  7. Hahaha and slightly gross at the same time! Great Job Bearman!

  8. Bill Murphy says:

    Clever Mr. Bearman, very clever. 😉

  9. Nate Fakes says:

    You should submit this to MAD for their MAD 20.

  10. Tony McGurk says:

    Ha!!! Good one Bearman. Does this mean that Hilary is a pain in the ass? Just rub on a bit of cream & she’s outta there. Howmuch easier could it be?

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