Today’s cartoon is in honor of Dialogue Free Comic Day, which actually is this Friday but I am early because I will be out of town. Thanks to Noel Curry who started it and has kept it going.
This represents just another day in the Bearman Household. The only thing different is that my wife doesn’t know how to use the the window lock. So typically it is me driving, her releasing an SBD (Silent but Deadly for the uninformed) and waiting with a smirk on her face until the gas cloud wafts over to me. Of course I begin choking. My payback is in the winter when I roll her window down to release the fumes and lock it so she has to freeze. Oh the fun we have in our house.
Ladies do you fart in front of your significant other? Men does your woman fart in front of you?? We have friends who don’t fart in front of each other and we personally find that weird, so don’t judge..haha.
Midway point in the charity challenge and love all the new and old people that continue to step up. Thanks and keep it coming.
Love stinks.
yeah yeah
Look at that! I also did this(a Dialogue-Free Comic, not a Silent Butt Deadly, although…) I’m also looking into making you pay some more charity money, but I’m not 100% sure how I’ll get it done. It is not like a certain green-haired man has never been seen around our neighborhood before 😉
Well if you can make room for George ford..OK if George is there, there is no room for me hahahahah
Bwahahahahahahahaha. I love your sense of humor. Both of you. We always just blame the dog and then laugh.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
We blame the dog too but we don’t have one
It’s a gas! I’m actually sad it didn’t work out time wise my Friday comic is silent.
That works. Friday is the actual day. Just let Noel know and he will add it to his list.
Damn it, Kathy Griffin, it’s bad enough your act stinks…!
lol At least you know enough to call her Griffin and not Griffith
No they don’t (at least they don’t want us to think that)! …..but on to the no dialogue day, cool!
They do, they do
How come I never hear about silent comic day?? Oh, never mind.
Cuz you haven’t paid attention the last two years I was in it.
That and you can’t keep your mouth shut anyway.
Where would I be without my beautiful, lengthy dialogue?!
People would question your intelligence versus you proving it.
I, in fact, talk very sparingly. I believe you must be confusing me with the little one.
I usually blame her cat, but with friends I’d say, “Your voice has changed, but your breath still smells the same.”
That’s gross. I am using it though
Woman can’t fart. It’s a physiologically impossible!
My mother told me so!
How old were you when you realized your mother was a liar
That famous ‘ew’ car smell.
Also I’m guessing you turn more of a green than a purple?
Yes but that would have been obvious
Farts do much better in blogs than RL.
My wife is very reluctant to admit any gaseous infraction against our breathing space.
You are a lucky man then
my wife and I play the game of the SBD to see who will be the first one to notice. Of course, I cheat sometimes when I set one off by going, “What kind of popcorn is that”, ensuring that she takes a humongous whiff. 😀
hahah…..It’s burnt popcorn!!!
Good notice on that point George. I hadn’t picked up on that. Maybe you could do a 3 or 4 episode storyline Bearman
Like the world needs more fart cartoons
And I’m also taking note that this is a 3 panel comic with recurring character art. It’s time for you to make another Guest Comic for me like you did in 2011.
I am probably wayyyyy overdue
Anyone who doesn’t fart has had an analrectomy and will explode forthwith! (technical jargon I just made up. I just pretend total innocence, or say something about the fridge needing cleaning out again. But then again, MY farts don’t stink.
Actually my farts tend not to smell either but stay clear of the bathroom. haha
I have stink-free farts too 🙂 lol
I am not buyin it.
Yes I figured that you wouldn’t
believe me but it was worth a try 🙂 lol
Have a wicked one today Bearman 🙂
Not farting in front of each other IS weird. Great comic & thanks for the insight into the Bearman & Bearwoman household.
She is my constant muse
No one ever owns up in my household but we al have our suspicions 🙂
Isn’t it just you and the cats?
And another thing, the cats don’t fart
so who is the one dropping ’em? 🙂 lmao
Depends on what she feeds them that day
Probably a smelly kipper
combo or something 🙁 Eeeeuw
This defines a couple I know.
you and???
Trapped like a rat!
Sad isn’t it
There is nothing like sharing Bearman,
perhaps she was blowing you a big kiss? 🙂 lol
Have fun today 🙂
I tell her every time I fart it is my way of saying I love you
Yes and I bet she appreciates
your stylish romantic offerings 🙂 lol
Don’t judge me please… my wife and I release it in the other room. I don’t want to smell the poo of somebody I have sex with. 😉
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Classic comment
Usually its the reverse, in which I unload some serious nuclear style F bombs within enclosed spaces at the wife.
That is probably true of most couples
I love free comic day but I hate when my wife locks the window when she farts!
Glad to know I am not alone.
I always thought farting in front of your spouse could put things on the skids…
It could leave a mark
I saw this on Pinterest first. And it made me laugh so hard!!! lol Love it!!!
Good to know someone is using pinterest
My eyes are burning!
Mine too
No! I never do. I am, afterall a perfect asshole. :-/
I am sure there are those who would agree. HOpe you are feeling better.
LoL No doubt. Feeling fine again, thanks. 🙂
Good to hear
Your own farts always smell awesome, no matter how bad. But another person’s fart is just brutal.
My Date opened her mouth wide open hahaha she thought thats how you kiss lol