Love Bug

Love Bug by Bearman Cartoons

Just experimenting with line work other than black. ย  The “Love Bug”

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52 Responses to “Love Bug”

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  1. susi spice says:

    send him my way please…i wanna claim my guarantee, last shot from the love bug was a complete failure. i want the extra strength one haha

  2. Jim says:


    I’ve had mixed results using other than black line work, but you seem to have pulled it off.


  3. Tony McGurk says:

    Nice work. It really looks good with the non-black line work. He’s a very cute Love Bug. But then again a grotesque scary Love Bug probably wouldn’t inspire much love.

  4. Aw how cute he is. He is the good kind of ugly, the cute kind.

  5. Comedy Plus says:

    He’s adorable. I love the feet too.

    Have a terrific day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. George says:

    And I had always imagined a Love Bug being a huge ugly leech. ~Cynical Sam

    Just kidding (sorta)! Great design, B. I’ve been trying to practice with non-black outlines also, but can’t seem to find an easily satisfactory way to do it.

  7. Tyler says:

    I always thought of the love bug as more of a parasite! Just kidding. I like the design.

  8. Red says:

    I am so glad he is nothing like the ones which plague the front of my truck. I think I may have to install a bug guard this summer. I loathe love bugs.

    I think you pulled off the non-black lines really well.

  9. Binky says:

    Love bug? What happened to Bearman!

  10. Deb says:

    I like it, Bearman! ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. He is ’bout as cute as a love bug an be!
    Hope he supports Earth Day and doesn’t leave itchy bites ๐Ÿ˜‰

  12. frigginloon says:

    Love bug? Squash it….quick !!!!

  13. Tim Green says:

    Love that bug, Bearman!

  14. Bill Murphy says:

    Looks great! ๐Ÿ˜€

  15. But… how am I supposed to be all snarky about something that cute?!

  16. SHE says:

    awww…the Bear has a soft spot! <3

  17. Bo Lumpkin says:

    The lines look great and the bug ain’t bad either. I ain’t a big fan of love bugs since Katrina blew in millions of them and they were everywhere. They are gone now and I don’t miss ’em.

  18. Oops, I squashed one of those last week in the garden.

  19. The image looks great! Coloring the lines on my cartoons has become second nature… you can get a pretty neat look from it – as you have!

  20. Perk at Work says:

    I’m ok with love bugs as long as they don’t lead to bed bugs.

  21. lisleman says:

    “other than black” – so what is this color? (not the red but the other color) pea soup or worse

  22. Andro says:

    This reminds me of a computer game character from a while back, you will probably remember them saying things like ‘Follow Me’ and ‘Wait’ lol Your Love Bug is great Bearman, keep experimenting now ๐Ÿ™‚ Wicked…

  23. ltpen315,barb says:

    Love the bug. Very cute!! But, please do not send him my way!!

  24. Pauly says:

    That one looks like me — I kid you not!

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