Guest Cartoon: Jande Rowe

Guest Cartoon Jande Rowe for

Today’s guest cartoon submission is from Jande Rowe of e-Orbits Comix (home of Aedre’s Firefly).  Jande’s line work is amazing on AF but what I enjoy just as much is her personal stories that tend to accompany each post.

Now my only complaint is that she assumes I have any weight to actually take off.  I do, but the presumption of it bothers me. haha.  Now on the other hand she obviously drew me with killer abs.  So all is forgiven.

Make sure to check out Jande’s work and also follow her on twitter @eccentricorbits

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54 Responses to “Guest Cartoon: Jande Rowe”

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  1. Dan says:

    I don’t know, all those brains will go right to your thighs.

  2. Ha ha, it’s just falling off.
    Wish it was that easy for me.
    I like this guest cartoon

  3. Mel says:

    Bearman zombie. Oh no! Looks like you were reading some of my old brain dead blog posts. 😉

  4. Bo Lumpkin says:

    I never have been afraid of Zombies. All they eat is brains, right. Fantastic job by Jande. She definitely does good work.
    You might be the only green haired Zombie I have ever seen.

  5. George says:

    Ack! it’s the Bearman I see in my dreams! You did a great job of bringing that nightmare to life. I’m glad the real BM is a little bit nicer. 😀

    • Bearman says:

      You dream about me??? Or at least Zombie me??? What does your wife have to say about that?

    • Jande says:

      I think the word would have to be “nightmare”, George. LOL I’m glad to hear that my suspicion about The Bearman are true: he is nicer than I’ve drawn him. :`)

  6. Natural flesh rot does melt away the pounds…..

  7. nursemyra says:

    yeah, those fingers must weigh a ton

  8. DadaHyena says:

    Nice work, Jande! Zombies make everything more pleasant!

  9. jammer5 says:

    I see you’re sticking with the green hair motif. Not sure about leaving appendages laying around though.

  10. Binky says:

    That diet looks a bit hard on the constitution, though.

  11. is that a zombie or lepper?

    Either way this is sure to be the next big thing on the weight loss scene

  12. Friggin Loon says:

    So Bearman is this years Biggest Loser?

  13. Tony says:

    I thought rapid weight loss was not good for you, it could affect your health. Oh zombie, already dead. Maybe all the weight is in your hair. Great cartoon Jande

  14. SpilledInkGuy says:

    Hahaha! Run for your brain! 🙂

  15. Roland says:

    Well with both of your permissions, I think Bearman Zombie is going to have to make a cameo one day in my comic! Very nicely done

  16. Gruff Guano says:

    I met a zombie once. Sort of an obnoxious fellow. I tried to give him a piece of my mind but he took it literally.

  17. Jande says:

    Thank you for your kind words, Bearman. Sorry I’m so late getting back to the comments here.

    I enjoyed creating this piece and I’m really happy you all like it so much. I’ve also enjoyed all the comments (lots more than my own humble comic site gets. lol) Thank you all very much!

  18. Tracy Ingram says:

    Not a big fan of this one, but hey we cant all love everything


  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bearman Cartoons, OutLoudLaughing and others. OutLoudLaughing said: Guest Cartoon: Jande Rowe: Today’s guest cartoon submission is from Jande Rowe of e-Orbits Comix (home of Aedre’… […]

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Bo Lumpkin, J. S. R (EO_Jande). J. S. R (EO_Jande) said: I finally got to reply to comments on my Beartoons Guest Comic: RTsvp Check it out. […]

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