Dixie is a BEARMANiac

Dixie is a BEARMANiac

Dixie the loveable Poodle of Tony somehow managed to sign up for her own email account.  This is the message I recieved yesterday via email.

Hulo Mista Bearman. I am sending yoo a foto ov me & my Teddy Bearmaniac to poot on yor blog so it kosts yoo mor munny. Woof Woow!!!
– Luv from Dixie the kyootest Poodle in the hole werld hoo livs in Tazmayneeya wiv Mummy & Daddy

I don’t speak dog very well so it took me a little bit to figure out what she was saying.  Thanks Dixie and try not to be so hard on the Bear.

Don’t forget the charity challenge.  Click link for how you can help at no cost to you.

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21 Responses to “Dixie is a BEARMANiac”

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  1. Bo Lumpkin says:

    There you go Bear. Now even the pets are becoming groupies. I’m going to work on something for you this weekend. How long does the charity drive last?

  2. nursemyra says:

    Eeek! That bear’s got leprosy

  3. I’ve heard that with Bearmania … the only prescription … is more Bearman Cartoons! Or … cowbell. 🙂

  4. DadaHyena says:


  5. Dixie says:

    Hay Mista Bearman, fankyoo for posting me & Teddy’s pikcha on yor blog. I hope yoo get lots mor peepool to sent bearmaniac fotos too.

  6. Dixie says:

    Did yoo nowtis that I’ve even got my own werdpress akownt too so I can leev komments & post posts on Daddy’s blog as well

  7. Dixie says:

    Hay look I just seen that I am on the top kommenters list. That is reely grayt

  8. Bo Lumpkin says:

    It really hurts to be outcommented by a dawg.

  9. Friggin Loon says:

    This site is going to the dogs!!!!!

  10. MidwestMom says:

    Too cute

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