Bearman Cartoons: Celebrity Death Panel 4

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8 17 09 Bearman Cartoon DeathPanel4 copy

Some background for my readers who don’t know who Janeane Garofalo is since she hasn’t really been high on the radar except for some political comments and stints on Air America, the West Wing and now 24.

In the mid to late 90’s Janeane was in a series of hit movies including Reality Bites, The Truth About Cats and Dogs and Mystery Men. She was also nominated twice for an Emmy on the Larry Sanders Show which aired on HBO. Then the Iraq war started and her political activism seemed to overtake her acting ambitions. I don’t know if that made producers not think she could still be funny because I personally haven’t seen her in a high profile comedy role since.

In 2004, she was one of several celebritys killed off in Southpark Creator’s Matt Stone and Trey Parker’s film Team America: World Police.

And if you are tired of me just bashing liberal celebs…tune in tomorrow.


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No Responses to “Bearman Cartoons: Celebrity Death Panel 4”

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  1. George says:

    oooh….BURN! I’m lovin’ this arc. I used to think Jeanine was kinda hot back in the day, but Sarah Silverman stole the crown from her. Sigh…..:D

    • Lynn says:

      i like sarah silverman too. she’s actually quite funny and most courageous to do and say some outlandish things…much funnier than garofalo. bearman, youre on a roll…bash away at both doesnt’ matter to me as they both need bashing… i’ll tune in tomorrow….

  2. jammer5 says:

    The totality of the truthiness of Team America: World Police, and the incredible sexual tens . . . oh, wait, this is about Janeane Garofalo being a celebrity death panel judge. Excellent choice, Bearman, excellent choice.

  3. Nate Fakes says:

    Was she EVER funny? I think she bored me to death almost.

  4. g says:

    Jeanne Garafolo makes me want to watch Al Franken’s movies.

  5. MidwestMom says:

    Yes I’m a little behind but now I’m caught up on all the panels. Please forgive me for not checking them out sooner. ..

  6. spilledinkguy says:

    Probably not wise to call death a jerk to his face. Even though Garofalo’s brain is MUCH larger than people she disagrees with. She can prove it. Scientifically. Or so she says. 🙂

  7. nursemyra says:

    I loved her on the Larry Sanders Show

  8. Sheila Deeth says:

    Still catching up. Disturbingly funny.

  9. I loved Jeanine in all those movies. She should make a come back…

  10. D. Long says:

    Ever see Wet Hot American Summer? Not that she was the star of it or anything, but she was in it, and I love that movie.

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