Happy Friday the 13th


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18 Responses to “Happy Friday the 13th”

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  1. I guess everyone is afraid of something!

  2. Comedy Plus says:

    I love Friday the 13th. It’s a favorite day for me. Yes indeed.

    Love the cartoon.

    Have a fabulous day. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Deb says:

    I guess some folk out there are afraid of Friday the 13th, but to me it’s just another Friday.
    Good cartooning, bearman!

  4. Tony McGurk says:

    See, Cats are evil. I’ve always claimed that & now you’ve proved it

  5. Binky says:

    Do I get 13 pounds of chocolate?

  6. Bill Murphy says:

    I used to love putting on the tv and look to see which Friday The 13th movie was being played. ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Dave says:

    Friday the 13th post I did at Dummies of the Year was/is the most popular post I have ever had. Never made me any money though…

  8. lisleman says:

    Two people in my life have birthdays on the 13th. So how could Friday the 13th be anything special except for someone having a birthday/anniversary/?.

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