Our friend Mark Stokes, writer and artist behind the all ages Zombie Boy Comics, has decided it is time to launch a Kickstarter campaign to publish the first 200 strips in the series.
So part of Kickstarter is to ask up front for money. Kind of like this…
But unlike the Make-a-Death-Wish Foundation, you get cool stuff in return for buying into different levels. However one thing you don’t get is a jar of Oil of Decay.
So please check out Mark’s work if you aren’t familiar and consider supporting this huge BEARMANiac!!
Gosh, I appreciate your generosity and kind support for this project so much! You’ve always been so encouraging and supportive to so many, myself included. I consider myself very fortunate to call you a friend! Thanks again! (PS – sorry to be so sappy, but it just came out that way).
I like sap. I was trying to ad your kickstarter banner but couldn’t save it to my computer
Yea, it’s been coded to go directly to the KS when you click it. I’ll have that header back to normal once the KS is over. Thanks again for everything, Bearman!
It would be neat to see Mark’s cartoons in book form. I’ve put in my two cents worth already.
Me too
Thanks so much, guys! It really means a lot!
Ha Ha!! Love these Bearman. I hate to say it… well actually I don’t, but there’s a woman at work, I call her the creepy lady, who could use a jar of Oil Of Decay.
Mark is a brilliant cartoonist & it’s been a pleasure to enjoy his work all these years
Thanks so much, Tony, I’m fortunate to be surrounded by an extraordinary group of comedy geniuses, several of which have commented here in this stream! So, how do you like working with a zombie, anyway?
Sometimes she is like talking to the dead
I don’t really. She’s just one of those people with a bad attitude. I don’t particularly like her & avoid her when I can
Well now you know what to give her for xmas tony
I wonder if OOD removes warty lumpy skin thingys as she has one just under the right side of her mouth above her chin which kinda magnetically draws your eyes in when your talking to her.
I’ve never seen that guest strip before Bearman, great job! 😀
And I’m rooting for you Mark! I hope you make your goal quickly! I know this must be very stressful and exciting at the same time!
Yes, it is, Bill! This is my first experience with a Kickstarter and I’ve already been through a range of different emotions, and it’s only been two days! I’ve decided to just take it as a learning experience no matter how it goes. All the generous support I’m getting from all you guys is really helping! Thanks a lot!
Thanks Bill!
Nice guest art Bearman and definitely looking forward to Marks book!
Thank you for your encouragement, David!
Thanks D
You are a good friend. Yes you are. It’s one thing I noticed about you long ago. You are so very supportive.
Have a fabulous day. 🙂
I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said, CP!
Thanks Sandee…got to stick up for your friends
I gave Mark money…dat rat!
Thanks, Aidan! You’re the beast, er best!
You had it right the first time
When I saw the news of this, I immediately threw my man panties up on Marks kickstarter stage & screamed so hard I fainted! Then I threw money at it… gosh-golly, it’s about time! [smirk]
Man panties? Haw, haw! I fell out of my chair laughing when I read that! I’m WAAAY to visual to read things like that! But, honestly Jynksie, I really do appreciate your encouragement and support!
Mark is going to do a series of strips where Zombie Boy pitches a tent with Jynksie’s large bloomers
Pitches a… tent?!? [walks away]
Can’t touch that… dah-NAH-nah-nah
If you are walking in the campground, you will know which one it is…the one with the racing stripes
There can be no curse worse!
The Oil of Decay is a great idea. You should be able to sell some t-shirts with that on it.
I should start selling tshirts of other people’s characters haha
Nice job promoting, Bearman! You sold me, just backed the project. 🙂
Thanks, Jason!