Guest Cartoon The Lamest and Xmas Cheer

Occupy North Pole Editorial CartoonThe Christmas gifts keep going. Before getting his site hacked earlier this year, Dr Faust ran the site   His site was full of funny lists and lame things people do.  But I didn’t know he could draw.   Blown away by his Occupy North Pole guest cartoon.  (Click the image to see all the detail)  Hurry back and keep drawing J.

The next day I checked my email to see some Christmas cheer from Dawn at Zorphbert and Fred Comic.

Dawn Griffin Christmas Card

The image depicts Dawn, her husband Rick and their dog April in a classic Grinch who Stole Christmas scene

Thanks so much to both.  Be safe out there everyone!

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32 Responses to “Guest Cartoon The Lamest and Xmas Cheer”

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  1. Comedy Plus says:

    Merry Christmas to you and yours Bearman. 🙂

  2. Nate Fakes says:

    Happy ho-ho-holidays, Bearman!

  3. lisleman says:

    Hope you celebrations were better than a cartoon.
    all the best

  4. George says:

    That’s really cool! You surrounded by some nice folks who truly appreciate you. Have a happy holiday, my friend! 😀

  5. Awesome – two great reasons to celebrate!
    Happy holidays to you and Mrs. Bearman, Mr. Bearman!

  6. Tony McGurk says:

    Two excellent cartoons. Well done Dr Faust & Dawn

  7. Great cartoons. Hope Mr. and Mrs. Bearman had a great Christmas.

  8. James says:

    These images warmed my heart. With the pride of Mother Russia!

  9. MJ says:

    Awesome cartooning.

  10. Merry Christmas I love both cartoons especially the throwback to Dr. Seuss.

  11. Some very talented, funny people. Thanks for sharing the Christmas spirit with us.

  12. nursemyra says:

    Fellow blogger queenwilly has a dog named April too. Merry xmas bearman

  13. Friggin Loon says:

    So much ho-ing. Hope all went merry for u Bearman 🙂

  14. Jande says:

    Happy Holidays, Bearman! Love the guest cartoons!

  15. bschooled says:

    These are fantastic! The Occupy North pole makes me laugh…

    Hope you’re having a fabulous holiday, Bearman!

  16. Jenn says:

    Awesome editorial comic, that’s right. they are the 1% …or was it 99%?

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