Guest Cartoon: Nef of Midtoon

Guest Cartoon from Nef of Midtoon

I have them coming out of the woodwork to support the Charity Challenge this year.  Neftali Rivera (Nef) of Midtoon Comics fame presented me with this gem.  Unfortunately life has gotten in the way of Nef updating Midtoon as of late, but I truly appreciate his support in my challenge.

Love his take of the Bearman gravatar.  I think I would keep the camera off on purpose.

Charity Challenge continues. See how you can help by clicking below.

Bearman Cartoons Charity Challenge

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73 Responses to “Guest Cartoon: Nef of Midtoon”

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  1. Jason says:

    Ha! Baywatch meets Bearman… Bearwatch!

  2. Nate Fakes says:

    I’d say the times takes several hours

  3. lisleman says:

    I think they should drop you the lake. It looks like you are getting hot.

  4. Tony McGurk says:

    Ha Ha Good one Nef. Looks like Bearman is making the most of it. The little blonde is a cutie.

  5. Jande says:

    Hahah! Great cartoon! Wish I’d thought of that one!

  6. HA!
    You can’t rush these things…
    masterpieces take time… lots and lots and lots of time!
    Awesome work, Nef!

  7. Yeah, i would have conveniently forgot to set the timer too. ha ha

  8. Scholar Mel says:

    Is that a deserted island?

    • Midtoon says:

      It may look so because there is nothing behind them. It’s actually in the Bay in Midtoon, looking out to the water.

      Otherwise, I’m very minimalistic when it comes to backgrounds. One of the two.

  9. Midtoon says:

    Thank you Bear for accepting my submission and giving me the opportunity to have a laugh at your expense. Just FYI, Midtoon is back. I know I won’t be able to keep to the old three-times-per-week schedule, but the strips will continue to flow at a slower rate. I can’t stand being away.

  10. Friggin Loon says:

    Are those mom pants you’re wearing Bearman?

  11. Lynn says:

    That beach looks strangely familiar. This is great! It must be so flattering to have such a talented artist portray you in his art. Love it! Funny too.

  12. Binky says:

    Very nicely drawn cartoon, Nef! Really like the shading you did.

  13. Lynn says:

    Testing my comment url- please delete.

  14. Oh!Keep it up……!

  15. Can Denny be a charity challenge?

  16. DadaHyena says:

    HAW! Nice one.

    Is he sweating because of the girls or the bad choice of clothes to wear to a hot beach?

  17. Justin says:

    Haha this is really funny!

    I like the girls in this. Is it just me, or with those noses, don’t they look like relatives of Michael Jackson?

  18. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Great job. You do have groupies !!

  19. Dave Hambidge says:


  20. Chris W. says:

    I am pleased to report that I find no traces of hoverhand.

  21. Friggin Loon says:

    Hello, hello, anyone there? Sheez, it’s just ticked over to the 21st down under and I fear I’m all alone. If you can’t read this then I suspect you’re screwed 🙁

  22. George says:

    Hahaha! That’s fantastic! Welcome back, Nef. 😀

    I do think we need to put Mr. Man in some Speedos. This is the beach after all. 🙂

  23. writerdood says:

    Nice work! This is your best yet. It’s sexy AND it’s… well, nothing else really matters right?

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