Beartoons New Look

What I thought would take me a couple days turned into weeks but I am now for the most part finished with my refresh and moving my site to my own site. I apologize for my lack of posting and visiting your blogs but I have been pushing to get this done this weekend.

Take a look around and see what’s new. I’ll do a more in depth post later but wanted to get this up now. Let me know if any links don’t work.

Also for all my BEARMANiacs and new friends start sending me a link to your 125×125 banner ad so I can put them in my new links page.

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19 Responses to “Beartoons New Look”

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  1. G says:

    Looks very interesting and quite promising. It seems like you got the potential advertisements set up in such a way in that don’t detract from the blog contact by overwhelming the reader with sensory overload.

    Good luck with it.

  2. Tony says:

    Hey Bearman, looks good my man

  3. Holly Pete, Bearman! Love what you’ve done with the place – it looks awesome! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Lookin’ good B-man. I really think more people would comment but I think readers (except other people with comics) are just a little shy or something. Most of my commenters come from the webcomic world and we never know what the general public thinks.

  5. WriterDood says:

    Another user leaving WordPress?
    Damn, does it smell in there or something?
    Nice site. Good job.
    I’ll go and retarget your URL now.
    Geez, I spend more time managing links these days.

  6. nursemyra says:

    Good luck bearman. I prefer pared back blogs without advertising but each to his own xx

  7. George says:

    Your new site looks utterly amazing, Bearman! I am so jealous right now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Bearman says:

      Life would have been so much easier if I went with Comic Press but then again I do too many non cartoon posts and people would wonder how come I hadn’t updated in a while if they come and see the same cartoon front and center.

  8. Bschooled says:

    Bearman! This looks great! Well, what I can see of it, anyway. Unfortunately I can’t get it all loaded over here (for some reason the internet here is wonky with certain sites–blogger, other websited, etc.), but by the end of the week I’ll be back to regular people internet.

    I think this is going to be great!


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