Thought for the Day

As we come upon another holiday season.  Let us sit back and reflect on those less fortunate than ourselves.  Those who truly are suffering.  No, not residents of war-torn cities.  No not the malnourished, the unemployed, the homeless, the scorned, the depraved.  No not any of them.  The ones who are truly suffering tonight are Michaele and Tareq Salahi

What’s more now they are under possible scrutiny for potentially cooking the books and not paying vendors for their Foundation event to raise money for charity.    According to Tareq, the 2007 event raised $250,000.  According to the local charities who were supposed to benefit, they received $10,000 combined.

My heart goes out to them on this cold night.

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  1. Reminds one of the idgits in britland claiming disability benefit whilst being fit enough to play sport. You just wouldn’t put yourself in the limelight, right?

  2. Bo Lumpkin says:

    Glad you’re sendin’ your heart out to ’em. Looks like they need one bad.

  3. Nate Fakes says:

    I really feel for em’.

  4. spilledinkguy says:

    What’s the big deal?! I crash Beartoons all the time! What do you have for snacks in this joint, Bearman! 🙂

  5. Lynn says:

    it’s people like this who make me hate people like this right here at the holidays! is everyone a crook these days?? i got to go back over to hambo central. i was just starting to get over my fear of christmas.

  6. Its great you’re looking out for folks like this Bear

  7. John K says:

    So they kept the money?

  8. tannerleah says:

    I am pretty sure they are Muslim so, if you say anything mean, you will have a Jihad placed on your head. Tread lightly my friend.

  9. yorksnbeans says:

    Very thoughtful of you Bear, but those two sly foxes can obviously take care of themselves.

  10. bschooled says:

    All I can say is “Ugh”.

    Regardless, you are a kind soul, Bearman. If you ever lose your drawing hand in a fire, I say you and Tannerleah collaborate on an online publication to help draw attention to these poor souls…

    I’ll be the CEO, and therefore will be in charge of all financial matters.

    Just trust me.

  11. Susi Spice says:

    its not the first time high security has failed in the world … remember that one time at band camp…oh hang on not that one.. remember when this Australia comedy team called “Chasers War on Everything” managed to get through levels of security at an APEC conference to reach the red zone and went through 2 check points even then. One of the guys was dressed as Osama Bin Laden! hahaha

    i found the clip below:


  12. Im sorry for the Whitehouse….this could have been an attack..lucky these people were after fame and not other things.
    they have done some real shit here

  13. Danica says:

    No cartoon to go with the post?

  14. cravensworld says:

    I couldn’t believe it. They even got right there to the president, holy crap! If I’d known it was that easy I would have dropped by ages ago. you know, for a beer summit

  15. Oh yes, I feel terrible for them 🙁 Thanks for your comment on my Nicole Richie article. I guess we can’t be geniuses every day. I fixed it.

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