Have a great idea for a new Bengals cartoon but it seems I have a wart on the tip of my finger. I went to the dermatologist today and he burned it with some liquid nitrogen. It now hurts like a MF. So as painful as it is to type in this post, it would be more painful to try and draw today. So thought I would give some love to a new book out for all you with little girls in your life.
Dawn Griffin who does the hilarious Zorphbert and Fred webcomic is also a published illustrator. Her second book in the Abby’s Adventures series Dance Recital …and the Case of Ballerina-itis just came out.
The writer is a child psychologist and the series is about a six year old and the different issues regarding self-esteem for little girls.
Congrats Dawn on the book!! And see, I didn’t make one joke about you being a Cleveland Browns fan.
Dawn is a phenomenal artist and her pictures are absolutely beautiful!
I know…doesn’t she suck.
Better a wart on the tip of a finger than the tip of a nose 😉
Yeah but I hear it hurst less to burn it off your nose.
Hmm, better a wart on the tip of your nose than on the tip of your …ah never mind 🙂
hey loon, i was gonna say that!
close 🙂
Don’t know if I can relate to Abby’s Adventures though – but the art looks awesome!
Just remember your days as a little girl.
BAhahaha LOL bearman that was good
Does Cleveland still have a football team?
Given what the Bengals have done the last 15 years, I have no room to talk.
eewwww a wart on your finger!????? EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
Well it really doesn’t look like a wart. It kind of looks like a hang nail
that is so gross!!!
That’s friggin karma Bearman 🙂
Abby looks like she’s having a relapse from all the drugs she took at last Saturday night’s party
The cat doesn’t look that flash either Tony 🙂
Not nice…bleah
Do any ladies (or men to be strictly PC) have to worry about where that finger has been…
Yes (and yes)
Ah ha. Revenge of the Finger or- The Finger Strikes Back. If the wart was on your nose it probably wouldn’t affect your drawing unless it was big enough to block your sight. Dawn is an awsome artist. I would buy the book for my grandchild but I think he would get upset. (I hope he would.)
Well a boys esteem being lower will get a girls higher so either way it has the correct effect.
I’ve got that proverbial left ‘feet’ thing. I do a poor to moderate roboto dance, though. 🙂
I want to see the youtube video of that.
Congratulations to Dawn on the book, will have to find it and check it out. I heard now this was just a rumor I hope for your sake Bearman that the Bengals are now riding a shorter yellow bus to all the games now..
I don’t care what they ride in, as long as they beat the Vikings.
How’s the wart, Bearman?
hope your hand feels better soon!
Be a man, c’mon… it hurts like hell, momentarily!
Actually, I’ve had a few unsightly blemishes burned off in my day.. no fun.
I know I’m way late in stopping by, but THANK YOU for this post! Anything that gets the word out about Abby is terrific… it’s a great series for modern girls, with actual MORALS to boot! The writer does an excellent job ;0)
And yes, Cleveland does still have a football team. It’s just gotten to the point where the cheerleaders could kick their butts. *hangs head in shame* At least they managed to win 3 games this year. I was betting on 1.
Thanks again, Bearman! Hope your hand is better now.
My pleasure. Hope it is a big success.