Link to Me and I will Drive Traffic to your Site

At least that is the intent of a website called It came to my attention about 5 months when a few of my posts got 20-30 clicks from this site.

According to the creator this is how it works:

If you update or publish your blog at the same time my visitors are browsing blogs in my site then my visitors will get a chance to see your blog in real-time. BAM! (the entire blog is in their face instantly) It’s not even annoying to watch. Is it alpha addicts??

I also provide a link to your blog in case they want it to open your blog in a new window, or bookmark your blog . The links provides your title, and description to help my visitors get a better understanding on what your blog is about, and get more interested. is useful for ,,, and I love it, and want to grow it like a tree. Yahh!

To get more traffic from just keep your blog updated or go to the homepage, and notify readers about your blog. It’s so simple.

So being the good web citizen I am, I added it to my blog roll figuring anyone that is sending me 20-30 readers should get prominence. Plus I see other bloggers highlighting it.

Well I haven’t had a single click from it since. Now I don’t fault the creator of it. I think he had the best intentions when he created it. But it became like a Kentucky Grilled Chicken promotion where too many people respond and you can’t figure out how to control demand.

So…the blog link is now gone. The good news is, as I promised in the title, if you link to ME, I will drive traffic to your site. The bad news is, I will be the only one visiting.

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About Bearman Cartoons

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No Responses to “Link to Me and I will Drive Traffic to your Site”

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  1. LOL. I tried that site for a little while too.

  2. George says:

    I need to go back and check my stats again. I’ve neglected doing that since I’ve moved. AI used to be my big statmaker, but now I got a substantial amount of hits thru YNB. Maybe I’ll link to you twice, Bearman, and see what happens. πŸ™‚

  3. “got a substantial amount of hits thru YNB”

    York N Beans?

  4. duncanr says:

    In the early days of AI we used to get a huge number of ‘hits’ . As AI has got more ‘noticed’, however, we have seen a steady decline in the number of folk visiting us from there. I think this is the natural result of AI becoming increasingly popular and there being a fixed limit to the number of blogs that can be in the ‘reading cycle’ at any one time. The greater number of blogs competing now for one of the limited spaces means you’re knocked out of the cycle by another blog almost immediately after you’ve posted a reminder about your own.

    Nowadays, we get a lot fewer references from AI unless we put up a post deliberately designed to catch folk’s attention, e.g., a highly topical subject, or anything that promises to be about SEX 😳

    • Yeah Duncan…as I said I don’t fault the developer as I truly think he had good intentions but it has gotten too big to manage effectively

      Maybe I’ll start titling all my cartoons Bearman Sex Cartoon.

    • George says:

      The developer of AI said back in December that the site would only be good until around this summer, then it would become too popular to be effective. I believe he wants us to subscribe in order to keep our blog on the blogroll longer. That may work, but I treat my site like I do my women: I dont wanna pay for it.

  5. Not wanting to and having to are two different things huh George? πŸ™‚ I submitted my link to the site – thanks Bear.

  6. Nate Fakes says:

    As long as Bearman swings by to visit, I can’t ask for much more!

  7. so.. this is good news or bad news?

    i’m so so confused

  8. g says:

    Sounds interesting.

    I get most of my hits from everywhere except Blog Catalog (go figure). Most of the people who land on my blog either hit me from a comment link, a page link or by the old fashioned method of using a search engine. I’ve even got a couple from the chat rooms as well,

  9. duncanr says:

    A lot of our hits seem to be passing drunks and/or lunatics – for some reason they feel right at home πŸ˜†

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