Bearman Cartoons Popping up on the Web

I have found my cartoons popping up in various places around the web. Most unfortunately don’t do the right thing and link back to mine to show my ownership of the cartoon. But two posts this week I found got it right.

The first is at Queer Cincinnati dealing with the Gays in the Military. He actually “half-heartedly” blog rolled my site during my challenge to bloggers to help the FreeStore Foodbank in Cincinnati. I love that…”half-heartedly” Is it my drawing or my personality?? ha ha

The second is the website They picked up on my first cartoon dealing with 2012 conspiracy theories. Trust me I am sure there will be more to come.

Shout out to both of them. Thanks for supporting my little part of the universe. Remember if you use my toons in your blog please refer your readers back here. If you are looking to use in any form of paid web or print publication or any other way that you will make money, please contact me to discuss usage.

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  1. Ha. A little of column A, a little of column B. ๐Ÿ™‚

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