Barron Trump – White House Chief Strategist

Bearman Cartoons Barron trump takes over Chief Strategist from Steve Bannon Editorial Cartoon

Barron Trump.  Seemingly the only Trump child President Donald Trump hasn’t had either run his companies or be a part of running the country.  Last week daughter Ivanka was named Assistant to the President.  Now with son-in-law Jared Kushner making a power play it seems for control of the President’s ear and agenda which could push White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon to the curb.  Just a small change to the letters on the door and Barron could be in by summer vacation.

ht: Carole Feeny

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10 Responses to “Barron Trump – White House Chief Strategist”

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  1. Red Dwyer says:

    Spelling. It is that important.

  2. lisleman says:

    clever thinking but I’m not if Trump himself would get it.

  3. Dave says:

    It’s not like Barron needs to be qualified, right?

  4. Guess Who says:

    His ex-wives’ll be getting their own positions soon! They’ve already allowed Trump to grab their kitties! MEOW… [can I say that? is this thing on? tap-tap] My political career just ended.

  5. Tony McGurk says:

    What, the curtains???

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