Two Cincinnati Illustrators launched their own webcomics in the last couple months.
Pop Smoothie
Christina Wald who not only is a kick ass illustrator but works tirelessly keeping charge of the Cincinnati Illustrators Blog/Lunches has launched Pop Smoothie.
Each week she will highlight a new comic with inspiration from Pop Culture garnered from her indulgence in too much television.
Zombie Marge
Tim Fuller, another kick ass local illustrator/humor writer has come out with Zombie Marge. Very loosely and probably not at all relating to Marge Schott (though there is a slight undead resemblance). For the uninformed, Marge was the former owner of the Cincinnati Reds who made Ozzy Gullien’s mouth seem like a choir boy in comparison.
Zombie Marge and her sidekick worm Grubworth will take inside what it is like living decaying in Tanglefoot Cemetery.
Finally a special shout out and thanks to Debbie Adams for awarding me with a special Commenter Award.
What is it with all the talented folks in Cincinnati?
You’re putting something in the water, aren’t you?!
Well with a former greeting card business (Gibson) plus a bunch of Fortune 500 companies with graphic needs, there is a lot of talent here.
I bring the curve down though.
Former greeting card business? So did you escape from Gibson?
No…but I did sled down their giant hill a time or two in the winter.
Well Bearman, why don’t you join forces with your Cin City webcomic mates and create your own greeting card business? I will place the first order. I want a set of Cin City Webcomic Christmas Cards , a pack of 12, featuring the 12 days of Christmas (one by each toonist)! Unique works of art on a card!!! Just a thought 🙄
You didn’t have interest in the cards I already posted.
A collection each year from different artists would be cool.
I could move to Cincinnati and help bring it down even more if you need help 🙂
I like being low man on the totem pole. I need no competition.
Both artists have a very vibrant, welcoming style. There’s a lotta talent in Cin City. 😀
Cin City. I am using that.
I thoguth you were alreeady up on that. It beats havin’ to spell the damned thing! My spellchecker won’t even help. I get tired of seeing that I’ve misspelled it 25 times in a row. Gak! I can’t even spell ‘mispell’.
One N, Two N’s, Two T’s. Simple
One N and two Ts is TNT.
haha i meant one T. See I fail unless I spell it out myself.
Well that ruins the gag, then. Cincinnati isn’t the bomb.
But I still am.
These are fun strips, Bearman! Thanks for sharing.
sure sure
Marge looks a lot like I do the first thing in the morning. Just saying.
Congratulations on your commenter award. You do make all of us smile often.
Have a terrific day. 🙂
You should give up the smoking….and the worms.
Marge Schott… The Reds somehow won a World Series while she was the owner. That is all I have to say about her. Schottzie was a good dog though.
She spent money. Her pride wanted a winner.
Thanks for the plug! Now if I can just figure out how to use word press better… I am still learning the ropes on that aspect…
It will come to you. Oh and you are very welcome.
Thanks for the info. Do you follow many web comics? Since they are easier to put up on the net than say a newspaper I suspect there are 10’s of thousands. I’ve gone to XKCD a few times but then I’m not a cartoonist. Oh and just because the mechanics of publishing is easier on the net, I’m not saying it doesn’t take as much talent. There is lots of talent out there.
Check out my links page and you will see the ones I follow. I think everyone who gets into the publishing cartoons online thinks there can’t be that many people doing it.
Because of the ease of access…there are a ton of people doing it. That is why I haven’t yet been offered my book deal.
there are people who still think there is easy money in blogging too.
You and I are probably two who realize we aint getting rich off our online world.
Thanks for the heads up on these two artist, Bearman!
Marge is my kinda chick. Anyone who can pull off wearing earthworm has to be a hit in my book.
Why do you sign off as Red when I can clearly see you commented as Red? hahahahah
Pop culture is a goldmine.
I just wish it paid like one.
Well if they’ve earned your stamp of approval, then I’ll be sure to check em out!
They did and they do. Thanks
I’ve yet to see any games at that thar new ballpark here in the Buckeye Capital.
Like The Shoe, I’d really like to at least watch one of the games, while sitting in the stadium and snacking out.
I’ve been the The Schott a couple of time already, though.
So you are more a basketball guy than a baseball guy?
Great stuff. So much talent out there.
Present company included.
i was thinking Java the hut till I scrolled down and say the tentacles.
Very similar. Maybe they should date.
NIce find on the webcomics. Good stuff!!! Thx
Very disturbing.
Why thank you.
Creepy and cool all at once! Love it!
Thanks. I don’t know why but everytime I see your name I read it as “Jack of all Gulls”
I’ll link them to my page so they’ll get 3 new views each week! 🙂
Now you are talking like me.
Cool stuff! Always nice to have more freaky webcomics to enjoy!
They aren’t as freaky as you but they try.