So you want to get “MUGGED”

As you can see I have been busy in my free time between posting here and commenting on your sites by doing some random caricatures of followers.  The incredible gif animation is courtesy of Dunken K. Bliths (find him on his webpage and his Google Plus profile

Since I put the following offer out to my Google Plus followers, I wanted to do the same for my loyal commenters here.

Typically after I post a random caricature I get questions as to how much it costs to get caricature/mugging from a picture done

NOTHING Just ask to get on the list….however,

1. How often I do them is work/free time dependent, so there are no guarantees as to when/if I will ever get to you.
2. The more you engage with me and share my posts on G+ and my blog, the more I tend to favor you for a mugging (whether or not you ever asked)
3. If you get mugged and want to give me something in return (completely NOT necessary though several have been very gracious) you can either:

a. Donate to one of my favorite charities Crayons 2 Computers which helps makes sure teachers and students have the necessary supplies for school. You can donate any amount at in honor of Bearman Cartoons.
b. Buy something at my cafepress site

If you want to guarantee a spot in line, you can commission a caricature by sending me a request. Price will vary depending on complexity needed.

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42 Responses to “So you want to get “MUGGED””

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  1. Comedy Plus says:

    Cool, but I’m not doing Google+, so I’ll pass on this. I’ve a buddy that does these and I’ve got all the goofy looking mugs of me that I’ll ever need.

    Have a terrific day. 🙂

  2. Mark Stokes says:

    Bearman, love the caricatures (good job on the animation too, Dunken)! Seeing all the holiday commercialism and companies taking our favorite Xmas songs and rewording them into their brand kind of ruins the holidays a bit for me. This post brought a smile to my face. Knowing how busy artists can be making money this time of the year, and that you would dismiss your caricature fees and have people donate to your favorite cause brings a bit of joy back to my season. Thanks. I’m looking forward to seeing your fan toons!

    • Bearman says:

      Thanks Mark. That means a lot. However, it does spoil my plan to do a Holiday sing off where people change the words of famous holiday songs and in its place sing my praises.

  3. Tony McGurk says:

    Some great caricatures there & Dunken did an awesome job on the animating of them.

  4. G says:

    Interesting idea. Definitely something to think about for Christmas.

  5. James says:

    It’s like the Black or white video but better.

  6. Binky says:

    Neat morphing animation, though it is a bit creepy, too.

  7. George says:

    That’s pretty good, B. I like that a lot.

    I’ve been trying to get my Google+ on, but my workplace has it blocked. We use Google for everything from our special email to our working calendars, to certain aspects of our official website. It won’t let me switch Google ID’s and still be locked into the “work” thing. Those vicious tykes in IT have it all covered it seems. How am I supposed to run this 7 day a week comic empire if I can’t do it at work?!!! 😀

  8. 25BAR says:

    I’d like to get in line.

  9. nursemyra says:

    Where’s my mug?

  10. Bearman says:

    He just grabbed the ones he wanted. I didn’t choose, otherwise your mug would have been in there.

  11. Bo Lumpkin says:

    I reckon a funny picture of somebody is a gift that keeps on givin’.

  12. Santa Claus says:

    I got mugged once. It was right after I visited Macy’s Department Store in 1953. 🙁

  13. colm ryan says:

    the gif is great. it’s kinda hypnotic though. i’ve been staring at it for the last 20 minutes……….i think it’s talking to me………………….

  14. Whoa…
    I think it’s moving…

  15. Friggin Loon says:

    Hmm, a mug for Christmas. A mug on a mug for my egg nog, even better.

  16. I just started with google plus i will have to add you. I love the character you did for me.

  17. MJ Smith says:

    It’s really cool how you did the fading in and out! Thanks again!

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