Everyone knows I have no problems walking the edge of good taste. Of course the wife loved it as we both laughed uncomfortably at this given the TSA issue in the news. One one hand, I think it is a great play on words. On the other I would never want to minimize the effects of someone who has actually been raped or make too much light of it.
So I am leaving it up to you. Offensive or not.

Personally, no. I wouldn’t buy it but I wouldn’t rant at someone for having it.
Recently I did see a thread on a community where they were complaining about the use of “rape” to mean anything other than literal sexual rape to be offensive to rape victims.
Thanks KB…glad to see you found me over here. Make it a habit.
Unfortunately I lack ‘the judgment skills’ – but then, that’s not really much of a surprise, I guess. 🙂
I bet that didn’t stop you from voting.
I voted No as my personal opinion, but while I don’t find it offensive I don’t think I would be game to wear it because I think others might, especially women
Unless you are a woman that tends to visit this blog it seems.. haha
It’s funny but I don’t think it belongs on a T-shirt. There are many joke phrases that while funny don’t necessary belong on T-shirt. Just like jokes told at a club don’t play well in many settings.
BTW – I don’t think my wife thought my idea of TSA massages was all that great.
What? My wife thought it was funny. But I have to tell her the comments…she is too lazy er busy to actually read my blog herself.
I don’t think it’s too offensive
So if I made one for your tshirt day and sent it to you, you would wear it proudly?? haha
I think its funny as hell, though I wouldn’t buy it or wear it. What I would LOVE to see, though? A line up at the airport scanners with every single person in line wearing one . And maybe a one-finger salute on the back as a pleasant “faretheewell” as you leave them.
Then again based on my last post there are several readers who want them to “Touch their Junk”
Honestly, I have no problem with the phrase.
Howeve, to truly stop “gate rape”, we have to start doing what the policitally correct mafia doesn’t want us to do and in fact created this mess to begin with.
True. But then again, if that were the case and I was a terrorist, I would plant my device on a kid or an old person.
Absolute brilliance Bearman. Who am I kidding… of course it would have been YOU to come up with this.
Now we just need someone with some big cajones to walk through a security checkpoint wearing the shirt 🙂 I vote you Bearman.
Oh of course you vote me but I bet if I let everyone decide they would vote you!
Blaahahahaha you are asking ME if it’s offensive? I’m actually off to New Zealand next week and would have loved to have worn the tee. However the last time I was there I got frisked by some enormous Maori woman and I was in friggin transit! Therefore, I DON”T FRIGGIN THINK SO!!!!!!
Uh…I don’t think she actually was working security.
Me neither 🙁
ur going to NZ??? why??? traitor traitor to our country!!
she’s following the trail of the stolen peaches 😆
‘I got frisked by some enormous Maori woman’
Some folk have all the luck 🙁
Who are you Rod Stewart all of the sudden?
Dude can you put an all the above choice?
What would the all of the above choice mean?
You want an off color remark that may need to be voted on, here’s one:
“You can’t GATE RAPE the willing or the needy!” … everyone likes it a little naughty, EVERYONE! o.O
… now if you’ll excuse me, there’s pie with my name on it and I must eat it! (gobble-gobble)
Hopefully it is pecan (yum) and not pumpkin (yuck)
HA! Best topical cartoon of the month!
Only of the month..haha j/k
Super clever. I like it. A T-Shirt may be a bit too bold for most folks but a button pin may do the trick. Good job!
Well good thing I can slap my designs on those too. Thanks for stopping by.
Offensive? No. But I’d advise wearing it to the airport, because I’m pretty sure it’d GUARANTEE a gate rape, haha.
Well that could work in some people’s favor.
You HAVE to put this on a t-shirt or a mug or magnet. HI-LARIOUS!!!
Sure sure sure. I go through all that trouble and no one buys one.
I take no offense to it but I can see how somebody would. It is not close to home for me because I don’t know of anybody personally who has been raped.
True but then I truly is there anything left in the world that people don’t take offense too…even cute kittens.
bhaha i love it.
its no more offensive that what you would hear going to most comedy clubs or hollywood movies…
clever i think
Clever I am aren’t I? haha
So is that a yes or no?
That was a “yes”…but since you’ve questioned my judgment I’m going to be indignant and change it to a big red “NO”.
Take THAT, ya little whipper-snapper!
I didn’t question your judgment…I questioned your sanity.
It’s not offensive at all, especially not with all particulars going on with that issue. I wouldn’t get mad if I saw someone wearing it.
Unless you work for the TSA in your day job.
I don’t think it’s offensive but I’ve never been raped. Oh wait, I actually was. I woke up drunk at a party and this grenade of a chick that I didn’t know was performing fellatio. But I somehow don’t think that’s as bad as real rape would be.
But no, I think the poster is perfect.
I don’t think I ever heard the phrase “grenade of a chick” haha
I don’t think it’s too offensive; but then, I might not be the best judge considering some of the t-shirts that I wear. I love your Herbert “Who’s Next” cartoon, too; I’ll be forwarding that link to people.
You might be amused by this. It’s my anti-TSA piece, which may also be of questionable taste.
Thanks for stopping by. Well it looks like we both made an impression on Duncan given his post today.
Yep, I’ve been making a bunch of new friends and bookmarks recently.
I wouldn’t wear it but I don’t think it is offensive and anyone who really sais much about it has too much time on their hands.
I wish I had too much time on my hands..
Considering what some folk do have emblazoned on the chestical coverings, this offering is not offensive, but maybe too subtle? In harsh reality, a large proportion of the victims of sexual assault, (male or female, full penetration in whatever hole or not) will find body scanner/patdowns/gropes to be very intrusive and provoke anxiety, panic and possibly the frank screaming abdabs. Thus, wearing this T-shirt might be considered a warning to the security staff, procede with care?
Chestical covering. I’ll have to use that.
Not my invention IHTA.
Everybody knows rape is an acceptable word as long as it is paired with a non threatening word, like “gate” or “trade” (the League).
Now I have the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen stuck in my head and I can’t seem to get your point…arrgghhh.
Very neat play on words.
It’s a nice little play on words, but I wouldn’t wear it. Having some TSA person grope you is humiliating and uncomfortable but it does not compare to real rape. I wouldn’t have a big problem with seeing somebody wearing it, I would just assume they were ignorant about what real rape does to people, which most people would choose to be.
I’d like to remain in my ignorant position.
Yes indeed. There are some things that nobody should know.
There is nothing else to describe it…I’ve seen some shots on TV and it is depressing to have someone fondle you like that..safety?
I’m sure depending on the passenger it isn’t so great for the guy doing the pat down.
I want one! Will you make me a tee shirt with the Denny DelVechhio Fetus in a Jar I posted on my site? Zazzle.com won’t do it.
If Zazzle won’t do it then Cafepress sure as heck won’t do it.
I voted No. Does that reveal something about me that I should be ashamed of??