Ziggy – Million Dollar Challenge for LiveStrong

Believe it or not the author of the world famous Ziggy cartoon (Tom Wilson) also lives in Cincinnati.  My we are a talented bunch.  And a generous one. 

I mentioned before that Tom had written a book called Zig Zagging: Loving Madly….Losing Badly…How Ziggy Saved My Life.  I bought the book several months ago and read it in one sitting.  It delves into Tom’s personal battles with survival both after taking over Ziggy from his father when he became ill to dealing with his wife’s battle with cancer and her ultimate death from it. 

Not an emotional person but twice this year something I read or saw has made me cry unexpectedly.  The first was watching UP and the second was reading this book.    It is a great book and what makes it even better is that to celebrate his wife’s life, Tom is giving all the proceeds from his book between November 18, 2009 (the anniversary of her death) until January 19, 2009 (her birthday) to LiveStrong (The Lance Armstrong Foundation).

Go here to read more from Tom himself and click here to order the book.  

I created a fan art toon to promote this great cause.  So if anyone needs a gift for a cartoony loving friend/family member, get this book.

Ziggy Million Dollar LiveStrong Challenge Fan Art by Bearman


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No Responses to “Ziggy – Million Dollar Challenge for LiveStrong”

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  1. Nice, you really are a Teddy Bearman.

  2. Lynn says:

    wow that’s a great toon bearman. i have always loved Ziggy! ~that’s interesting info about tom wilson too. thanks! btw, what’s so great about Cincinnati besides the rock and roll hall of fame and you and bill? oh yeah, it’s famous for not being detroit!

  3. bschooled says:

    I love this Bearman…

    You are definitely the most charitable sarcastic cariacature I know.

  4. Dang – you frequently and generously share some really great info, Bearman.

  5. Terri says:

    What a great idea!! thanks for posting the info I think I ‘ll go out and get the book!!

  6. Bo Lumpkin says:

    You are a good man Bearman.

  7. MidwestMom says:

    That is amazing Thank you for sharing that with us Bearman

  8. George says:

    You did an a great job with Ziggy, and it’s very nice thing that they’re doing. I wish it much success!

  9. D. Long says:

    Awesome work! Good cause and all. Re: drawing in Wacom, I draw, then scan, because I think that’s what takes less effort. For some reason when I draw on a tablet I’m always erasing and re-drawing and all that jazz. I feel like I have more control with an ink pen, so it ultimately gets done faster that way, for me. To each his own!

    • I know but for whatever reason the thought of scanning seems in my mind to take too much time for me. One day I’ll get a cintiq and things should improve but they are more expensive than computers.

  10. Donald Mills says:

    you’re a good lad, Bearman.

    The opening sequence in UP was something else wasn’t it? The way they depicted that couples llfe together in just a few minutes was really outstanding.

  11. Tasneem R says:

    Thanks for sharing the book…will check it out soon ! It’s my first visit here on your blog. liking your stuff ! 🙂

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  12. John says:

    Great post, Bearman.

    UP made me cry, too! I’ll definitely be checking out Tom’s book if I can.

    Thank you for the heads up.

  13. Danica says:

    Up made me cry, too. I loved that movie.


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