I know that America exports many things around the world including television series. I am not sure if the illustrious America’s Funniest Home Video is one of them. Over here is has been on almost 20 years. It is essentially a bunch of home videos of men falling off roofs, kids being chased by animals, old women falling at a wedding and other hilarious things.
The show is never destination television for me but when I find myself spending the day on the couch especially after staying up until 3AM cleaning up after a Halloween Party it seems one of those things I flip to. Now I am not going to say I don’t enjoy the show because I do. I will never tire of a kid in boxing gloves hitting his dad square in the nuts. I enjoy it at least up until the last 8 minutes of the show. This is the time they announce the producers pick for the funniest three clips of the show that the studio audience will vote on to win $10,000.
Yet, in all my years of casually watching the show, the “producers” NEVER NEVER NEVER pick the funniest clips. It’s always the staged things or crap that I am not sure why they find funny enough to have put it in the first 22 minutes. If my gig with the Simpsons doesn’t work out, I would be happy to pick the top videos for the producers of AFV.
I agree with you Bear, they really don’t pick the ones that are totally funny, so I haven’t watch it in years.
“I find myself spending the day on the coach”
Geez Bearman when did you get kinky. So tell me, football or basketball coach a curious loon wants to know?
And stop shaking that finger at me 🙂 . Geez Bearman, Freudian slips can be such a bitch!
I have no idea what you are talking about. The post clearly says “couch” not “coach”
it says “coach” in my RSS 😛
Thank you Danica blahahahahaha 🙂 LOL!
mine says couch…
Actually, both are correct: Bearman is a couch coach. There are certain protocols that must be followed if one is to become a specialist of the couch. Bearman is simply following a long line of expert couch traditionalists who have raised the couch to kingly status. I say well done, my man!
Obviously it must be a RSS translator that changes things to an Australian accent in writing. We say couch…you say coach.
oi im aussie and mine said couch 😛
we have Australia’s Funniest Videos, so I guess we stole that from you guys (like we do with most TV shows)
What is funny is that it is probably the same clips with a different host.
nah, they’re Aussies starring in them clips
No Danica unfortunately bearman is right 90% of the clips in australias funniest home videos ARE american.
What do you mean “unfortunately”. It is never unfortunate when I am right.
I’m with you on this one. AFV is like watching a train wreck: I shouldn’t be looking, but darn, it’s so entertaining. The producers should just give $1,000 to every video they show on an episode.
That’s like $100,000. Jeopardy doesn’t even have that budget.
u know what show i LOVE to this very day!? COPS… bad boys bad boys watcha gonna do..watcha gonna do when they come for you… hehe. love it! now that should be on AVF!
AFV watever u know what i meant
AH, the staged ones!! I would stop watching for a week when I was a kid to “punish” AFV for picking a staged one. SO annoying.
One stands out: A guy closing his garage door in the snow, and a ton of snow falls down on him from the door. Now, why was his wife videotaping him closing a garage door? Yeah, for the sole purpose of having snow fall on him so they could send it in for a chance to win money. Those things ruined the show.
Anyway, AVF is kind of obsolete, now, what with YouTube and all.
True but I can’t lay on the couch and watch the computer.
you could if you had a laptop. my son does it all the time
Yeah but you have to change the channel more often on You tube.
You mean you can’t lay on the coach and watch the computer…right?
Don what you do in the privacy of your own home is your business.
Hey, you can do Simpsons and Funniest Home Video, and stay up till 3am on the couch.
3am cleaning…3pm on the couch.
I can’t watch it. I like the videos, but watching the staged antics with Tom Bergeron and audience members is like watching your parents make-out on the couch.
I guess that is better than watching your parents make-out on the coach.
True…that’s why I always sit in first-class…
exactly- why is that? i love that show, i can even watch a rerun and chances are i’ll laugh again! and another thing, you had a party and i wasnt invited!!! (wondering what a party at bearmans would be like)
The evite must have ended up in your spam filter. Let’s just say for the second year in a row I wore some form of woman’s clothing. And I swear that is the only time of year I do.
I bet the coach like it 🙂
lol good one loon
really? well you do know how to party then…however, i’ve seen a magazine that says otherwise..(that is you isn’t it?)
oops forgot to add the link to the mag.. http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=Pq1l98x0
Oooh cruel 🙂
Wait! Which one is supposed to be me?
well i thought the womanly one was, Rrroooow! i’m liking you more and more…my uninhibited “toon-man”. 🙂
Makes me sore just thinking about that show … kinda’ wanna’ cringe and roll into a ball … 🙂
some kid punch you in the nuts with boxing gloves?
If only there had been that much padding involved.
Bill Sagat was bad but Tom Bergeron is frightening….
however, when you’re coach surfing sometimes you can’t be choosy.
Bill Saget is Bob’s less successful brother. Kind of like Alan T and his brother.
Well said…and very true!
I don’t know. I have a feeling Bill is going to come into his own soon…
It was funny back when I was a kid, but yeah – there’s nothing funny about a guy falling off a roof anymore (unless he was dressed as a chicken and landed in some chicken McNuggets…now THAT’S funny!)
Roof falling is always funny.
Now they have all of these “world’s dumbest” and “most stupid” shows on. Forget the friendly little punch to the nuts, these shows are full blown never-gonna-be-able-to-have-kids-again punches!
Kids are stronger these days.
We don’t get America’s version, they do Australia’s Funniest Home Videos here. I was only making this point to my wife while watching it last Saturday evening. The winner for that episode was pretty lame while there were plenty of hilarious ones that didn’t even make it to the top 3. I think it is the 3 that have the most money attached to the video tape that get picked…
They must have the same producers down there then.
and they repeat the videos most of which are AMERICAN people.. has no one been listening to me!?
Why is it that I can get more Aussies commenting than Americans. I am going to have to bone up on my Australian politics so I can appease my down under market.
bearman i couldnt agree with you more…. given that americans are usually the loud mouthed unshutables whenever we see them as tourists.