No Swine Flu Here Tshirt

Some of you may have noticed the image to the right that shows a link to  Wacksack is a cafepress website that I created to sell tshirts etc.  I do all the design work (good or bad) but have been so focused on work and getting more involved with this blog that I haven’t created anything new for several months.  

So I figured I would periodically highlight something already there.

A Jewish friend gave me the idea for this one.  Kiss Me I’m Kosher

Given the Swine Flu pandemic, I thought it would be a perfect shirt to highlight first.  It is safe to kiss a “kosher pig” right?

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  1. i never really got the whole kosher thing. maybe i should look into that a bit more. so ignorant of other people’s way of life… just give me some pasta and a bottle of wine and i’m good. any kind of pasta will do. prepared in any fashion.

    • yorksnbeans says:

      Blunt…it has to do with the way the animal is killed. No blood is allowed (I believe). I am Jewish, but I don’t keep kosher, and I’m certainly not an expert on my religion.

      I do know that a pig could never be kosher, though. It is a meat that could not be eaten if one keeps kosher. A definite no-no! But, funny t-shirt! 😉

      • Brit…so Tuna Helper and Boones Farms is on your list.

        YNB…supposedly it has to be killed in the most humane way, but then again, there were some issues with some Kosher Meat plant about 6 months ago that they were taking shortcuts.

  2. I haven’t eaten pork since I saw a worm pulled out of a woman’s brain from under cooked pork (not that I really ate it anyway). If you haven’t seen it its on youtube. If that isn’t enough just look up on the internet as to pork and why you shouldn’t eat it. The stuff you will read will possibly make you throw up. With that said, lol, I like the shirt. I’ve been meaning to set up a cafepress for sometime now to do my own shirts and cups with my sarcastic sayings on them, but haven’t had the time.

  3. That’s a great t-shirt. I’m glad The Star Celeb told me about your site. I’ve been reading through and enjoying many of your posts this evening.

  4. LOL. Now that is a funny shirt. Good work. I see that you possess many traits, very nice.

  5. Shawn says:

    Nice work. I was surprised to hear all this about the swine flu pandemic. Could have sworn it had already come and gone. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the sty…

  6. nursemyra says:

    cute t-shirt

  7. lol… they were “taking shortcuts” at the plant huh?

    boones farm!?!?! oh my goodness. i think i drank that by the skid load when i got fired from my job.

  8. danineteen says:

    I want a shirt.

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