Help me with this. Why can’t they create a sim card that can store your numbers the same way they do on your phone? If you have multiple numbers for someone stored under their name, a sim card has to separate them into different entries.
So when you buy a new phone, you have to transfer them to the sim card which separates multiple numbers into different entries. Then you have to reenter your phone numbers to get them back to where you started with your old one. Ugh.
I’ve cracked this one.
I found someone clever, mumbled: ‘can’t. enter. numbers. again. will. die’ and they pressed a few buttons and hey presto, it was done.
I realise this detailed explanation of how to solve the problem will be of great comfort to you.
I don’t need the long explanation. I just need to know where to find your friend.
you lost me at “create a sim card”
technology is a foreign language for me
Its the doo hickey you stick in a cell phone to make it work
12:00 is still blinking on my old VCR. I have reverted to carrier pigeons, which works pretty well, especially since I added ‘pigeon waiting.’
How do you keep the pigeons from crapping on your face though?
Their very disciplined pigeons.
I don’t really know to be exact. it seems to me that you may have unrealistic expectations of phone memory systems. ..
you act like we have the ability to pinpoint a military target from across the ocean and have it blow up at the exact moment we desire.
you’re asking for too much
I know…I know. I just figure if man can make fire, why not a decent sim chip.