99Blast Card Game on Kickstarter

99Blast Card Game is officially on Kickstarter. Click Here to go to the project page where you can support the campaign either by purchasing a deck or by sharing the project via social media to your friends/followers.

We have been working on this for months and are happy to finally get this thing moving.

About Bearman Cartoons

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12 Responses to “99Blast Card Game on Kickstarter”

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  1. Comedy Plus says:

    Sounds like a fun game. I’m glad you have it up and running.

    Have a fabulous day, โ˜บ

  2. lisleman says:

    So you designed the cards? Looks like a fun game.

  3. Bill Murphy says:

    Congratulations on finally getting your card game on Kickstarter! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. Mark Stokes says:

    Good luck with your game, Bearman!

  5. Binky says:

    I predict full funding within a week. Good luck with it, Bearman.

  6. Gruhn says:

    Congratulations! That’s a great feeling to get that under your belt!

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